Off-shore download service started in Diyarbakir: Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality, which offers a more comfortable and comfortable transportation service by renewing its fleet, disadvantaged groups, female and female students. - Launch the launch application.
With the instruction of Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Cumali Atilla, a new application was initiated for women, disadvantaged groups and citizens over 65 years of age who benefit from public transportation in the city center. Positive discrimination will be made against disadvantaged groups, women and girls, citizens aged 65 and over traveling in the city by Metropolitan Municipality buses. With the application, public transportation vehicles of the municipality will be able to unload and unload from 19.00 in winter and from 20.00 in summer hours on all routes.
Distance to shorten
With the new application implemented last week by the Metropolitan Municipality, disadvantaged groups, women and girls, 65 citizens will be able to reach their homes in shorter distances at night.
Application delights the citizens
Citizens benefiting from public transportation, the new application initiated by the Metropolitan Municipality said that they are very important for them, at night hours, they expressed the joy of being able to reach their homes more easily. Citizens thanked Cumali Atilla, Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality, for the application.