YOLDER Management visited TCDD Maintenance Department Head Yıldırım: Chairman of the Board of Railway Construction and Operation Personnel Solidarity and Assistance (YOLDER) Özden Polat, Board Members Suat Ocak, Ramazan Yurtseven, Ferhat Demirci and Muhittin Kavak and our 1st Regional Coordinator Kerim Pekacar visited our members Haşmet Türker, Hayati Şekerci and Ozan Kankaynar TCDD Maintenance Department Head Fahrettin Yıldırım in his office. The Deputy Head of the Maintenance Department Mevlüt Özkara and Ali Öztürk and the Personnel Branch Manager Cengiz Süngü also attended the meeting, where the problems of our road staff members from all levels were discussed.
YOLDER Board Members, who gave information to the results of the field research conducted by the Association to Fahrettin Yıldırım, the Head of the Care Department, felt that the sense of satisfaction and belonging in the Institution was gradually decreasing, especially the current approaches of the Care Department, the Financial Affairs Department and the Human Resources Department. asked them to change and display a more positive perspective.
In the meeting, the file containing the demands of the maintenance personnel carrying the burden of TCDD was presented to the Head of the Maintenance Department, Fahrettin Yıldırım. The file, which includes comprehensive evaluations on financial, administrative and social rights, contained problems related to the applications in the Line Maintenance Manual and the situations of maintenance and repair departments after reconstruction.
The following opinions were included in the file prepared by YOLDER;
Provision of Service to 1.1 Service Trains
In the 399 article of the Decree Law no. 33, it has been arranged that the personnel working on the train will benefit from the free meal / catering service, and the regulation issued on this basis also stated that the personnel assigned in service trains will benefit from free food / catering in accordance with the provisions of the regulation on the preparation and traffic of trains.
THTY's 74. It is clear that the road construction equipment subject to the railway system is within the scope of the iş Directive on the provision of food aid to the contracted personnel working on the train görev.
In spite of being contrary to the directive, it is a great disappointment for the workers who are working in the mechanic and train building workers and in the case of maintenance personnel carrying the entire load of the infrastructure, and the fact that the personnel of the road personnel expressed by 100s cannot be overcome. We believe that our State and institutions capable of embracing their citizens and even millions of asylum-seekers emigrating from their border neighbors do not spare the right of the personnel who start to work with the idea of not widening the scope of the Directive.
In the trains operated with a regular train code, but actually operated with the business train logic, a personnel from the Road Service is also assigned as an escort officer. While other train personnel can receive their food, the accompanying road personnel cannot benefit from this right. An order was issued by the Human Resources Department on the grounds that the escort officers had no duty on the trains, so that they would not be given food. However, this personnel by the workplace manager; These trains are accompanied by tasks such as receiving ballast from the figure, keeping records, how much ballast to be discharged.
1.1.2. 4 Unfair Deductions in the District
After working for long periods in road renovations, it is unfair to repay the cost of the food they receive in the 4 region.
We believe that this review made in the 4.Bölge is not in depth and does not reflect the truth. For example; The fact that 9 breakfast was written to one person on the same day and the other personnel were accepted to the 6.
Based on the above-mentioned concrete examples, we request that the examination in the 4 region be repeated and that the grievances of our friends are resolved, and the unjustified deductions are returned.
1.2. Road Maintenance Repair Manager's Touring Compensation
It is requested to pay the tour compensation paid to the road maintenance and repair managers working in the workplaces that were converted to the Road Maintenance and Repair Directorate while the branch chief. The annex includes the decision that the Zonguldak Administrative Court has taken on this matter. In this decision, the court found that the action taken by the administration was not in accordance with the law. The order of the General Directorate issued by the Zonguldak Administrative Court regarding the road maintenance and repair managers that tour compensation will not be paid has been canceled. Therefore, although the Administrative Court decisions are considered to be personal, the action taken by the Administration, as clearly stated in the relevant decision, is against the law. Based on this decision, road compensation repairs, including those not paid so far, must be paid.
1.3 TCDD Officers' Wear Help Directive
In spite of the fact that the personal protective equipment needs of our members who work in Road Maintenance Repair Officer, Road Maintenance Repair Chief, Surgeon and Technician titles have been handled several times in the Authority Administrative Board within the scope of D Clothing Assistance Regulation to be made to TCDD Officials ları, unfortunately the steps to solve the problem have not been taken. There are problems in terms of quality and quantity of costumes for road personnel. When the problems such as the failure to make the distributions in time, the body differences, and the fact that the clothes are not distributed in accordance with the different climatic conditions of each region, it is necessary to work on the regulations and the specification.
While the knitwear sweater is given to the personnel working inside, no road worker is given the knitwear sweater right. Due to the fact that the wool sweaters are not given to the employees in the open field, the staff can find cold and so on. they face risks.
The steel toe-cap is given to the road personnel every two years while some personnel are given every year. Considering the necessity of working on the ballast, it would be appropriate to make a change in the regulation in such a way that this period is not correct and the duration shall be arranged as minimum every year.
1.4 Personal Protective Equipment
The problems arising from the numerical and qualitative deficiencies of the protective materials that our members who carry out the road construction, maintenance and repair works in the very dangerous works class at every level to protect them from the negative consequences of the work hazards are increasing. In the 6 article of the Regulation on the Use of Personal Protective Materials in the Workplace; all personal protective equipment shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations, and shall be suitable to the conditions in the workplace, which shall be appropriate to the conditions in the workplace, and shall be appropriate to the ergonomic requirements and health of the user; the degree of exposure, the frequency of exposure, the characteristics of each employee's work and personal protective equipment.
Although the workplace supervisors were held responsible for the provision of personal protective equipment to be used by the road personnel in accordance with the OSH legislation, no authority was given to the chief supervisors for the purchase. Tender regulations, provision of funds etc. personal protective equipment and materials are still not available in many areas. The staff members of our association have recently been unable to wear safety goggles or helmets due to ballast bending, burrs, stone splashes, etc. during grinding operations. As a result of the fact that 2 steel toe cap work shoes are given once a year, they are exposed to the risks of injury as a result of passing a significant part of the period without protective shoes, especially the burning of work clothes during the welding works.
1.5. Supervision of Road Surveyors
To realize the necessary arrangements for the payment of the wage differences between the Road Maintenance Supervisor and the Road Maintenance Supervisors, who are acting as Road Maintenance Repair Chiefs for long periods of time. Pursuant to the Law on Civil Servants No. 399 and 657, a Proof of Attorney or equivalent compensation is required to be paid to Road Surveyors acting as Roadside Maintenance Supervisors. In the cases opened due to the resilient attitude of the regions, decisions are made against the Institution and the institution is obliged to take the costs of the proceedings. Nevertheless, problems cannot be overcome due to the fact that the Human Resources and Financial Affairs Departments do not change their illegal articles and orders. In this case, the Institution will face many new cases, undertake unnecessary burdens, and the personnel who cannot find the courage to file a lawsuit will be deprived of the legal right. An order to be issued in accordance with the legislation will be solved by taking into consideration the court decisions.
1.6. The Situation of the Persons Attending to the Work of Third Parties
The addition of these points to all tender and direct procurements to ensure that the road personnel of the third parties are accompanied by the contractors and their returns, subsistence and provisions to be provided by the contractors shall ensure that the grievances are prevented.
In order to achieve this, the previous Institution was included in the agenda of the Administrative Board meeting, but no progress has been made so far. Providing such an instruction to the regional maintenance service directorates by our Maintenance Department will relax both the officers and the contractors.
1.7. Land Compensation
In the a Annex to the Decision Regarding the Increases and Charges Payable to Civil Servants belirlen, which was put into effect by the Council of Ministers, in the Table II, special service compensation rates to be paid to civil servants were determined. During the 6 of the Technical Services section of the Scale (II), personnel of the Technical Services Class have been paid an additional special service compensation (land compensation) in return for some actual work. According to the said regulation; offices, workshops, heat power plants, laboratories, facilities (including social facilities), operation, factory and service buildings provided that the outside of the land, construction site, construction, dam, park, garden, mining, open areas of agriculture and livestock application units and roads such as road Special service compensation is paid for the technical personnel in the fields of engineer, technician and technician who are working in open work places and in the control services carried out in these places.
It is a legal requirement that road service technical personnel who work in open work places and supervisory services in these places shall benefit from special service claims arranged during the 6 of the Technical Services Division of the Schedule Annex II to the Remuneration and Remuneration Payable to Civil Servants. In this context, the last collective bargaining agreement between the competent union and the Government, the Technician, Technician and Engineer awarded the land compensation given to the personnel in this paper (Technical personnel) is not paid in the title of the root titles. Payments should not be made according to the title of the institution, but as stated in the communiqué.
1.8. Roadside Compensation
The right requests of the companions of the road surveyor regarding the compensation of touring have still not been solved. 105 3 6 XNUMX and XNUMX. No payment is made in many areas, including regions. In order to eliminate the different practices among the regions and avoid causing the grievances of the personnel, a form / model to be organized by the Authority will be implemented.
1.9. Office / Workshop Engineer Distinction
The distinction between the engineers working in the Road Department and the provincial directorates, such as the Bureau Engineer and the Atelye Engineer, reinforces the understanding that they have been wronged in the Office of Engineers, who are mainly employed in supervision services and acceptance commissions. All engineers who are considered as Bureau Engineers in these units should be changed their titles as Atelye Engineer.
1.10. Another Victimization
Our staff, who are obliged to do business in many workplaces, are faced with investigations in any question. In many cases where we will share only one of the examples with you, the personnel who are defended because of the duties outside the job description lose their corporate identity. APPENDIX: We share a concrete example in 2.
1.11. Seminars in TCDD Camps
The reason for the separation of the seminars on the basis of title is not understood by the personnel. In the last three years, it has been observed that Road and Gate Control Officers and Line Maintenance Repair Officers conducting TCDD Camps cause otherization and weakens their sense of belonging. In order to prevent this, work should be done to take the seminars to the hotels.
1.12. Improvement of Physical Structures of Maintenance and Repair Departments
In the physical structures of the buildings used as maintenance directorates, a standard must be set for the devices and items to be used and all must be made equal on the network. It should be taken into consideration that the re-organization of the special areas of use should be taken into consideration when the female personnel start working in the workplaces where the men work so intensively.
1.13. Regulation on Ascension
The Regulation on Promotion and Title Change, which was published in 2011, is an important obstacle for the employees of the Care Department to reach their career goals.
Although it is said that career planning has been done for a long time, the fact that the majority of the road service managers in the current 8 regional directorate undertake this duty by proxy indicates that the planning has not been done well.
It is also a handicap that only one third of those who have been admitted in the final examiner examination are road workers. It will be in place for the benefit of the Authority to reorganize the relevant regulation, which will pave the way for road workers to increase in the units they work.
1.14. Upgrading Road and Gate Control Officers to HBO
The issue of changing the titles of road and gate control officers who have been trained in the previous Board Administrative Councils as line maintenance repair officers has been completed to a great extent. But; usually 5. Unusual change in the number of personnel in the number of workplaces around 10 in district offices causes unrest. In this region where road controls are made by taking services, it will be pleased that the names of these friends are made regardless of the norm staff status.
1.15. Assignment of Assignments
The assignment, responsibilities and the duties of the assigned personnel are not explicitly stated in the assignments other than their regions and within the regions. This situation often causes confusion and injustice in administrative and legal terms. APPENDIX: The form offered as an example in 3 or any other form to be developed will be strengthened by the Department of Maintenance to ensure that all the regional maintenance service directorates are ordered and expanded.
In line with the measurement and evaluation of railway lines and maintenance of maintenance, standardization of the maintenance of the line maintenance handbook applications are encountered in the entire network is facing serious problems.
Our findings as the source of these problems are as follows;
• Necessary information on how to make the controls and measurements is not available in HBEK.
For example; The fact that how to measure the ray heat is not written indicates that the standard does not reach the aim of the standard.
• No adequate training is given as to how these controls will be carried out. First of all, with the documentation which includes the answers of the question ı how? Ler, the trainers will be given a training and the training and even the implementation of the trainings will be done in a real way.
• The measurements and controls will be carried out in this book. The persons who are responsible for measurement and evaluation are also the ones responsible for maintenance and repair work and are against the usual workflow.
It is believed that the separation of the measurement, control and evaluation units from maintenance and repair will lead to better quality and proper maintenance.
In reconstruction, the infrastructure and EST are combined. It is foreseen that there will be some handicaps in connecting EST maintenance units to the road maintenance and repair offices.
• The responsibility areas of the EST units and the areas of responsibility for road maintenance and repair departments are not the same in many places.
• The transfer of the telephone switchboard chiefs working under the Pre-Merger Facilities Directorate to the maintenance and repair department is incompatible with the description of the infrastructure. The transfer of these units to the support services will reduce the workload.
• The continuation of the entry-exit operations of the fixed-time workers by the maintenance and repair offices will be a continuation of the problems already occurring. It is thought that these problems will lead to the reduction of the possible problems with the allocation of the human resources units.
• The logic of transferring the fixtures of the Dray teams to the maintenance and repair offices is not understood. Operation of these teams, which require a completely separate expertise and training, should be removed from the responsibility of the maintenance and repair directorates.
• The incorporation of EST maintenance chiefships into existing road maintenance and repair departments will be inevitable in the road maintenance and repair departments where the workload is already high. Our recommendation for the solution of this problem; The linking of the road and EST maintenance units as separate units to the regional maintenance service directorates will also prevent potential problems. It is already known that this is done in the case of DB in this study.