Palandöken and Konaklı Sezona enter with great gospel: Ejder3200 World Ski Center with the opening of the ski season, the use of gondolas and lifts to determine the price has been completed. After the transfer of Palandöken and Konaklı Ski Centers to the Metropolitan Municipality of Erzurum, the projects carried out by the Mayor Mehmet Sekmen reshaped the city's winter tourism. President Mehmet Sekmen said, de I would like to thank to my team members who brought the project close to 3200 in a very short time in Ejder60 World Ski Center and Konaklı Ski Center and prepared the ski resorts completely. In the final stage of preparations, we also completed the determination of the fare charges for the use of ski resorts. Hazırlık Winter tourism and winter sports related to the mountain made many innovations and improvements after the opening of the season with the development of gondolas and lifts were significant developments. Turkey Ski Federation (MHF) and Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality Mehmet Chairman of their meetings with the officials of the tab, the development of the city in skiing and allow athletes to better the opportunities to make the sport has made many decisions. The President of TKF Erol Yarar thanked the Mayor and the officials of the Metropolitan Municipality for the prices and the opportunities provided to the athletes in the new season. . In Alpine Skiing, the Palandöken Ski Center, which is a candidate for the European Cup, has undergone tremendous changes. From the improvements made in many areas, Palandöken has made great innovations until the launch of artificial snowballs, the arrangements made on the tracks, the social areas formed in the ski center, the parking and transportation system, the ski clubs, the athletes, the trainers and the ski instructors. I would like to emphasize the high satisfaction of the winter tourism and winter sports community due to the arrangements and new investments in this field. Bu
Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Secretary General Selami Keskin pointed out the importance of investments made by the Metropolitan Municipality in Ejder3200 World Ski Center and Konaklı Ski Center. Deputy Secretary General Keskin said that they would act with common mind in winter tourism. Ası The works on common ground with ski clubs and ski community will continue in order to carry the Palandöken and Konaklı Ski Centers even better in terms of tourism and sports. We believe that Ejder3200, which has the title of being the closest ski resort to Istanbul, will be a center of choice for ski lovers and guests this season. İstanbul Palandöken, which is the brand of Erzurum in the meeting and Konakli Ski Centers in a short period of Erzurum of made renewal process sportsmen and Erzurum highly expressing would benefit Turkey Ski Federation Vice President Fatih Chopper said, "European Youth Olympic to be held in 2017 I think that the festival (EYOF) competitions will raise the bar in this area and these studies will provide positive gains for Palandöken's rising momentum. Festivali
Regulations, discounts and free applications in the ticket prices of gondolas and lifts in Ejder3200 World Ski Center and Konaklı Ski Center were determined as follows: “Single departure is 5 TL on weekdays - 7 TL on weekends, daily departure is 40 TL on weekdays - 50 TL on weekends, seasonal unlimited usage (Palandöken and Konaklı) 700 TL, 10 exits 40 TL, 25 exits 90 TL, 50 exits 150 TL (Top-up system to be used in Palandöken and Konaklı throughout the season) 10% discount will be offered to students on all prices. " Within the scope of the arrangements made, students will be provided with free shuttle service from universities on weekends. Turkey Ski Federation approved and licensed for athletes contestant will be Konaklı Center free of charge. Turkey Ski Federation approved contestant will be Palandöken Ski Center and 50 per cent discount for licensed athletes. Turkey Ski Federation certified coach and licensed ski instructors for free Konaklı Center, Palandöken Ski Center would be a 50 percent discount. Palandöken and Konaklı Centers for all of the athletes who represent Turkey in international competitions will be free.