Cabinet Solution for Driver Stress

Cab Solution Proposal for Driver Stress: It was stated that the stress experienced by public transport vehicle drivers and negative dialogues with the passengers could be overcome by cars with a cabin. No matter how it happened, there is an inappropriate and unhealthy reaction. Unfortunately, the driver of the Metrobus resorted to violence as an inappropriate response to the air conditioning incident, which normally appears to be a communication problem, perhaps due to the effect of this overstimulation. With this, the dialogues of drivers and passengers who experience intense stress during the journey are minimized. Thus, the driver's attention is not distracted in the traffic and accidents are prevented, as well as such approaches are prevented '
Stress and the negative dialogue with passengers in the traffic of Istanbul public transport vehicle drivers, can be overcome with cabin vehicles said.
Zincirlikuyu metrobus stop a passenger at a metrobus stabbed the day before the driver of his knife with the knife, the lack of public transport vehicles and driver-passenger debates of what should be the solution of the debate.

  • 'We are traumatized as a society'

Psychotherapist Sevda Bıkmaz, who gives anger control training to public transportation vehicle drivers, stated that the problems experienced in public transportation vehicles frequently came to the agenda in the lessons she gave with the groups representing the youth, the most dynamic and broad segment of the society, with university students, and in socio-drama and psycho-drama studies, '' The most common complaints of students are the fact that they are experiencing traumatic and stressful events such as harassment, exceeding their borders, violating their rights almost every day as a serious threat, while they are worried about getting to school, class, exam and work. Under all these conditions, they also express that they sometimes neglect the communication skills expected of them and even social responsibilities such as' giving a place to an elder or an elderly person '.' said.
Stressing the importance of anger control, Bıkmaz said that the personal and social stress factors experienced by the individual in their training and seminars with the drivers, their coping skills, life experiences were effective in controlling and not being able to control the anger.
When one evaluates with prejudices and stereotypes, Bıkmaz states that it is difficult to choose a healthy way to deal with anger.
'Creating prejudices over various categories damages the bonds between individuals and layers. It limits our ability to endure. There is an obvious fact that as a society we are very nervous. As a society, we behave in a highly reactive state of being overstimulated, whether due to the impact of the coup attempt that took place in our country recently or the chronic violence we are constantly exposed to in our region. Violence has taken up so much in our daily life that we have been subjected to so much trauma that we have difficulty adjusting the method and dose of our reactions. Regardless of the magnitude and impact of the event, we give exaggerated reactions. This is just like individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder reacting intense and inappropriate to the slightest stimuli that remind trauma. Because of this overstimulation, our reaction to events becomes an inappropriate reaction. We find it difficult to control our anger, we cannot give healthy reactions. '

  • 'Metrobus driver's behavior, unhealthy'

Emphasizing that this is an example of the Metrobus fight, Bıkmaz said:
'No matter how the incident took place, there is an inappropriate and unhealthy reaction. Unfortunately, the driver of the Metrobus resorted to violence as an inappropriate response to the air conditioning incident, which normally appears to be a communication problem, perhaps due to the effect of this overstimulation. Of course, this level of overstimulation does not justify this reaction of him. On the contrary, as I said, this is an unhealthy behavior. In addition, not all trauma victims have to give the same reactions. This partly depends on many factors such as past life experiences, certain personality traits, depression, impulse control disorder, and the effect of other accompanying pathologies such as anti-social behavior pattern. Whatever the reason, this reaction of the driver is an unhealthy behavior and requires an individual and social intervention. Trainings for occupational groups should be organized more frequently on subjects such as coping with trauma, anger management, empathy, and coping with stress. '
Noting that as an individual, it is necessary to learn to tolerate 'what and how' the other person lives while communicating, and to listen to others, the previous vocational trainings should be extended and continued; He suggested that those working in the social field should learn to tolerate the views and living styles of different layers of society.
Pointing out the importance of gaining the skills of listening, understanding, controlling the anger, conflict, resolution and reconciliation of the other, Bıkmaz said, 'Thus, we internalize the idea that each individual needs the right, freedom, rest and understanding as the other, and we can listen to the other, express ourselves and tolerate what is expressed. Let's learn to be able. Otherwise, it is certain that we will encounter similar events more often. In order not to experience such events any longer, I think mental health professionals and those concerned should do more on this issue. ' used the expressions.

  • 'It is important to use cars with cabin'

Bıkmaz emphasized the importance of recognizing the effects of this traumatic environment and the effective intervention of the society and therefore the individuals as soon as possible and emphasized that the physical and educational measures should be taken as soon as possible.
Bıkmaz also stated that it is possible to avoid such problems and pointed out the importance of vehicles with public transport.
Bıkmaz emphasized that local authorities should take the example of modern public transport systems in this regard and concluded that:
'As in Western countries, public transport can take physical measures such as isolated cabins that can help the driver concentrate solely on the flow of traffic. With this, the dialogues of drivers and passengers who experience intense stress during the journey are minimized. Thus, the driver's attention is not distracted in the traffic, accidents are prevented, and this kind of approach is prevented. It is known that the most important reason for not experiencing such problems between the passenger and the driver in metro systems is the absence of traffic problems and the presence of cabins. In addition, alternative solutions should be found to ensure in-vehicle hygiene and comfort conditions.

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