Public buses and tram in Samsun were free until Monday morning

Municipal buses and trams in Samsun were free until Monday morning: Municipal buses and trams in Samsun were free until Monday morning. After the military coup attempt in Samsun, all public transportation vehicles belonging to SAMULAŞ were made free until Monday morning, July 18, 2016.
Samsun Metropolitan Municipality made buses free of charge today. People who wanted to react to the coup attempt were called to the squares. After the riot in Istanbul and Ankara, Samsun residents flocked to Cumhuriyet Square from yesterday evening to react to the coup attempt? started the watch. Samsun Metropolitan Municipality made city buses free of charge to provide easy transportation for citizens.
Samsun Metropolitan Mayor Yusuf Ziya Yılmaz, this is a war of democracy. Our people did not give premiums to bloody hands fed by the coup. In the square of the Republic, the torch did not pass through the city to the coup plotters. ”
Stating that citizens take precautions not to have difficulties in transportation, Mayor Yılmaz said, “Our Tram, Express and Ring Buses owned by SAMULAŞ will provide free service to our citizens until Monday morning. We have taken all our precautions to prevent any difficulties in transportation. ”