Deputy Çankırı Presented the Mardin Transportation Problems Report to Minister Arslan

Deputy Çankırı Presented the Report of Transportation Problems to Minister Arslan: AK Party Mardin MP Ceyda Bölünmez Çankırı visited Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Ahmet Arslan in his office.
AK Party Mardin MP Ceyda Bölünmez Çankırı visited Ahmet Arslan, Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications. With its historical and cultural structure, urban texture and geopolitical location, Çankırı presented its detailed report containing the works and demands that should be done in the short and long term regarding the transportation problems of the city in order for Mardin to become a center of attraction.
In an intimate atmosphere visit the Minister Arslan, deputy Çankırı explaining that should benefit to the maximum extent of Mardin, the level of development in Turkey, bringing to Mardin Speed ​​Rail Project, to accelerate the Ring Road project, arrangements should be made in increasing the number of flights to and highways presented the prepared report including.
Stating that intercity traffic traveling over the city negatively affects the flow of city traffic due to its strategic location on the historical Silk Road of Mardin, deputy Çankırı, Artuklu, Kızıltepe, Nusaybin and Midyat districts work to make the ring road to relieve the transportation to the occlusion point in the city. He emphasized that it must be completed as soon as possible.
Deputy Çankırı said: “Considering the density of the vehicles coming from the Diyarbakır and Şanlıurfa road lines in the west direction, and the vehicles coming from Şırnak, Habur International İpekyolu and Batman road lines in the east direction, the roads in the city center are insufficient. The congestion brought by this traffic density day by day disrupts the transportation in the city center and causes serious time losses and has negative effects on daily life.
In order to eliminate these problems, the construction of Mardin South and North ring roads is essential in order to provide vehicle traffic from west and east lines without entering the city. Batman-Midyat-Şırnak-Diyarbakır road lines will be connected to each other without entering the city center. Traffic in the city center will be significantly relaxed by means of By-Pass by connecting the vehicle traffic in the east direction, Şanlıurfa and Diyarbakır direction through the Northern Ring road, the Habur-İpekyolu international vehicle traffic, Şırnak, Hakkari and Batman direction. ”
Deputy Çankırı underlining that you can minimize the problems of pedestrian and traffic flows in Midyat, Yeşilli and Kızıltepe districts that cause the loss of life and property, which often cause accidents, and can also be minimized by overpass and crossroads. presented to Minister Arslan.
Speaking from the Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, Ahmet Arslan, the Deputy of Çankırı, who spoke about the passenger circulation in Mardin Airport, said that the number of flights was insufficient in the demand of the citizens who want to travel by air, especially the Mardin-Ankara line. He expressed his demands for increasing their number.
Explaining to the Minister Arslan that the passenger transportation in the region is mainly done by road and airline, Deputy Çankırı spoke about the Nusaybin-Habur High Speed ​​Railway Project and said that the completion of the project in question is of great importance for the people of the region.
Deputy Çankırı used the following statements: “The Nusaybin-Habur High Speed ​​Railway Project, which has a length of 133 kilometers within our Mardin provincial borders, has a special importance in terms of passenger transportation and freight transportation. Passenger transportation in our region is mainly carried out by road and air freight. With the completion of the Nusaybin-Habur high speed train project and its integration with the ongoing Mardin logistics center, a significant part of the intensity collected in land and airlines in passenger and freight transport will be transferred to the railway. The completion of this project is of great importance for Mardin to be an important logistics center, a national and international transportation route. Accelerating the construction of the project and bringing it to the region as soon as possible will have serious contributions to the regional economy, logistics sector and tourism. ”
Deputy Çankırı, who forwarded the reports he prepared about Mardin's problems to Minister Arslan and invited him to Mardin, due to the services they will provide to Mardin, Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, and all the ministry employees working under the auspices of Mardin. He thanked.