3 bin 280 train ticket in Izmit

In Izmit, 3 thousand 280 train tickets were sold out before the feast: Izmit residents who preferred the train for transportation before the holiday of Ramadan bought 3 thousand 280 tickets in the quota before the feast came.
Citizens received their tickets on the Internet and filled all quotas.
The passenger tickets for the total 8 wagon, which is the quota of Izmit Train Station, were purchased in a short time. Bayramda High Speed ​​Train from Izmit to Eskisehir, Konya, Istanbul, Ankara, Bilecik and Bozüyük, those who want to go, they get their tickets on the internet, they guaranteed.
Before the feast, citizens bought their tickets over the internet, the railway station of Izmit Train Station was empty. On holiday, 3280 passengers will travel to different places in this gardan.

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