Building Center, Signed the first High Speed ​​Train Project in Turkey

Building Center, First Fast Train Project Signed in Turkey: with tender on September 25th, 2014 at Konya-Karaman Line Cut the Electrification Establishment of Plant Construction, General Manager of the TCDD General Directorate on June 20, 2016 İsa Apaydın, General Manager Asst. Murat Kavak and Transportation Systems Coordinator Serdar Güler from Yapı Merkezi Construction were signed. 15 will be delivered by TCDD within the day following the signing of the contract and will be completed within 600 days following the delivery of the place.
Within the scope of business; 102 km double line railway 200 km / hour speed, 2 units of transformer center, 4 units and 2 units between the transformer centers of the Electrification Plant and Remote Control SCADA Systems will be built.
Building Center, after the Ankara-Konya High Speed ​​Railway project, which will also be held in Turkey for the first time with this project has been signed for the first high-speed train project. With the realization of the project, travel time between Konya-Karaman and 1 hours will be reduced to 13 minutes.


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Prepare a delicious and practical appetizer with the Atomic Appetizer Recipe! Enriched with yogurt, walnuts and spices, this recipe will decorate your tables. An ideal option to impress your guests. Discover the detailed recipe now! [more…]

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