3. Surveying to Select Airport Name

  1. A Survey is Conducted to Choose the Name of the Airport: A survey is being conducted for the name of Istanbul's 2018rd Airport, which is planned to be completed in 3. The results are interesting.
    In the survey conducted for Istanbul's 2018rd Airport, which is planned to be completed in 3, the majority of those who want Atatürk to be the name. But this majority applies to the second survey. The site's first survey opened the second survey due to the intensity.
    'Locked Up On High Demand'

    Site management, on demand, the server was locked so that the new survey was put to vote. Everybody can vote.

    If we ask that the name of the airport be "Istanbul Atatürk Airport", 21 thousand 620 of those who voted in the survey, which was attended by 18 thousand 621 people, 527 people favor "Istanbul RTE Airport". Turkey's Hürkuş Vecihi producing its first indigenous aircraft with the support of 861 people in the # 2 rating.
    RTE Name in First Rating

    In the first poll, 26.262 people voted, and with 7 votes, the name “RTE” became the most desired name. While Atatürk Airport was in the second place with 18 thousand 2 votes, Abdulhamid Han Airport was in the third place with substantial votes.
    Voting is done solely for the purpose of opinion. Who made the survey is unknown.


  1. Name of the 3.hava domain

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