34 Istanbul

Nightmarish days await Istanbul

Nightmarish days await Istanbul: The 3rd Bridge, 3rd Airport, Canal Istanbul, Eurasia Tunnel, the projects promoted by the AKP as prestige, will increase the city's population to 40 million. city ​​more [more…]

34 Istanbul

Bomb alarm at metrobus stop

Bomb alarm at the metrobus stop: A picnic tube disguised as a bomb on the metrobus overpass next to the Çağlayan Courthouse alarmed the police. At around 05.30, the metrobus overpass [more…]


Solving the traffic problem in Konya

Solution to the traffic problem in Konya: Konya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tahir Akyürek stated that Konya's traffic problem can only be solved by creating a traffic culture, and stated that public institutions and organizations are responsible for the formation of this culture. [more…]

06 Ankara

North Crossing EIA meeting for railway line

An EIA meeting will be held for the Northern Passage Railway line: An EIA meeting will be held regarding the Kocaeli crossing of the Sincan-Çayırhan-İstanbul railway project, which will reduce the distance between Istanbul and Ankara to 1,5 hours. [more…]

06 Ankara

Railway Accidents Workshop

Railway Accidents Workshop: The aim is to minimize railway accidents. Within the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, there are four transportation types: air, sea, railway and road. [more…]