Kocaeli is the transportation base

Kocaeli's going transport base: Turkey's industrial city of Kocaeli, becomes the base of the transport. Kocaeli, 35 port, 4 pieces railway line, 1 fast train connection, describing the President of the Kocaeli Chamber of Commerce Murat Ozdag, "Northern Marmara and Western Black Sea Highway, Gulf Passage and Gebze Orhangazi Highway projects will be the transportation base in the region," he said.
Mr. Murat Özdağ, President of the Chamber of Commerce of KOCAELİ stated that Kocaeli is the transportation hub of the ports, railroad and highway. Ile As an industrial city, Kocaeli also draws attention with its transportation infrastructure. with 35 port owned by the 4 of Turkey vessel traffic Kocaeli meet the 1, we come to 2023 years Gebze and 4 Total railway line reached Istanbul and 1 as well as the high-speed train link, the North Marmara and West Black Sea Highway, Gulf Crossing and Gebze Orhangazi With the completion of the motorway projects, the region will strengthen its character of being the transportation base. Ot
This is the region with the integration of transport networks telling the capture rapid growth Murat Özdağ "in Kartepe Köseköy Turkey will be the largest logistics center and load-carrying capacity will reach 600 thousand tons of 1.5 million tons. We believe that the logistics sector of our city, which deserves these investments with its strategic position, will be in a position of high standards of development and providing services at world standards in 2023. Stratejik
Murat Özdağ, Turkey's 2023 In the 500 billion dollars in exports and foreign trade volume of over $ 1.125 billion in total reminding the world that the goal of being one of the first 10 economy "to achieve Turkey's 2023 year export target, 2018 percent in the year 1.25 the world trade and 2023 is required to receive 1.5 shares. 2015 192 18.2 12.64 2023 60 XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX
Informatics Valley
Explaining that they support the Informatics Valley Project, Özdağ said: lar Kocaeli is an important city in terms of IT infrastructure. Because, with the investments that trigger advanced technology and innovation culture such as TÜBİTAK-MAM Technology Development Free Zone, Kocaeli University, with its two universities, 117 R & D Laboratory affiliated to Technology Transfer Office and 22 special R & D laboratory of companies, it is also part of the vision of integration. Within the framework of this vision, 2023 year is not only in our country; We believe that technology-intensive products in the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Middle East will win the title of incubation center. I should say that we support this vision, understanding and efforts with our strength. All these investments and infrastructure studies show that our city will continue to be the industrial city in 2023 as it is today. Bütün
The population was in 1.7 million
Indicating that the population of KOCAELİ increased by 57.260 compared to the previous year, “The population has increased to 1 million 780 bin 055. In other words, every year the average population of Bayburt is migrating to our province. If the population continues to increase at this rate, the population will be 2023 million 2 thousand in 100 and we expect that our city will become a more cosmopolitan city. Bu