Semester Density at Kupkıran Ski Center

Semester Density at Kupkıran Ski Center: At Kupkıran Ski Center in Ağrı, the intensity of the semester break is experienced.

At Kupkıran Ski Center in Ağrı, there is the intensity of the semester break. Kupkıran Ski Center is having the most active period of the season due to the semester break. Children who came to the ski center from Ağrı as well as the surrounding provinces and districts from the early hours of the morning enjoyed skiing with sleds, and their parents enjoyed snowboarding and skiing. Kupkıran Ski Center Operator Ali Yılmaz stated that they had busy days in the season they opened about a month ago and said, "There are people coming to the ski center not only from Ağrı, but also from Istanbul and Ankara and even Iran." Expressing that the mobility in the ski center is not limited to the weekends due to the semester, Yılmaz said, “The intensity continues on weekdays due to the semester break. Artificial snow is made in Europe, but we have God-given original profit. Serious projects need to be done in Ağrı Dağın. "If five-star hotels are built, all Europe will come here because there is a sacred mountain," he said. Orduhan Bozkurt, one of the visitors to the ski center, stated that Kupkıran Ski Center is a great blessing for them and said, “This facility is a great entertainment place for us students and families coming from outside. I went to Turkey, but not all ski resorts ski resort this place is so cheap, convenient to everything here. The teachers and the environment are good. “The guests are very pleased”.