Zoning Plan Revised to Add High Speed ​​Train Network to Antalya

The Zoning Plan was Revised for the Addition of High Speed ​​Train Network to Antalya: The zoning plan prepared for the high speed train route in the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Council was revised.
An important step was taken on the North West Ring Road, which is an important part of Antalya's freeway network in the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Council, held on Friday (January). The commission report on the revision of the five thousand-zoning zoning plan prepared for the first phase of the North-West Ring Road, which covers the 8-kilometer portion of the North Ring Road project, which has been prepared by the 13 Regional Directorate of Highways, was passed by parliament. Relevant article The agenda of the metropolitan council of the ordinary general assembly of January 50. item.
Plana added fast train
The development plan was revised due to the processing of the railway and high-speed train route passing through the area next to the Northwest Ring Road route and reorganizing the existing planned areas. The part to be revised covers the Çümlık District district of Döşemealtı District, which is in the first phase of the project. The aim of the project, which consists of the North West Ring Road and the 13 kilometer North Ring Road; It was stated that the vehicles coming from the direction of Ankara, İzmir were transported in the direction of Manavgat-Alanya.