Zonguldak-Karabük train services start on February 15

Zonguldak-Karabük train services start on February 15: Saltukova Mayor Zerrin Güneş announced the good news that the train services will start on February 15 from his social networking site.
Sharing the article sent by the General Directorate of State Railways to the relevant people on his social networking site, Mayor Güneş gave the good news that Zonguldak-Karabük train services will start on February 15.
Chairman Zerrin Güneş shared on the social networking site; “Within the scope of the Irmak-Karabük-Zonguldak Line Rehabilitation and Signalization Project, the line section between Ülkü-Zonguldak was temporarily accepted by our organization based on the provisional acceptance certificates, and the temporary acceptance of the passengers between Zonguldak-Karabük train operations are planned to be started on February 15, 2016 ”.


  1. Has a station been built at the terminal passenger exit of the airport in Saltukova? If it has been done, you will see that from Karabük and Zonguldak, since the easy accessibility to this airport will suddenly increase, the passenger demand will increase from here to the European side of Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya, Trabzon and eastern airports. Even ankara zonguldak is in demand with 50-seat turboprop aircraft. Also, I always say that Kdz from Zonguldak Railway Kozlu. It should be designed and built from the coastal line to Ereğli. In this case, the train services are Kdz. It will be much more efficient than it will be done between Ereğli Karabük.

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