Public transportation in Izmir approved

In İzmir, public transportation was approved: By the majority of votes in Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Council, 1 will be valid from January, according to the new tariff, 2.25 TL will be converted from 2.40 TL to 1,25. 1,35 increased from TL to 1,60 TL.

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Council, the General Directorate of ESHOT came to discuss the proposal of the tariff. The new tariff was approved by majority vote against Ak Parti Group's rejection of votes. 6.67 TL based on the exact number of tickets made to the full ticket taking into account the discounted boarding fees were determined. The increase in the student tariff increased by 2.40 and 8 by the teacher.

In the new regulation, bus, subway, ferry and İZBAN's full boarding fee increased by 6.67 and 2.25 TL increased by TL 2.40. 1.25 1.35 TL TL 1,60 1.75 TL TLN XNUMX TL teacher's trip to the school trip.

Close to the city center called B tariff Torbalı, Urla, Seferihisar, Balikliova, Foca, Kemalpasa, Selcuk, Ozdere and Doganbey lines charges from full 3,95 TL to 4,20 TL (percent 6.33) students 2,15 TL to 2,30 TL teacher 2,40 increased from TL to 2,60 TL.

Remote districts Kınık, Bergama, Dikili, Ödemiş, Tire, Beydağ, Kiraz, Karaburun Çeşme, C tariff covering 4,50 TL (4,80), 6,67 TL, 2,45 TL, 2,65 TL 2,75 TL, 3 TL, XNUMX TL, which is the XNUMX teacher training.

Airport flights, which are not discounted in the tariff, increased from 4.50 to 4,80 TL and Owl flights from 4,50 to 4,80 TL from student 2,50 to 2,70 TL and teacher from 3,20 to 3,50 TL. In 3-5, 2 was increased from 5,50 TL to 5,80, 3 from 7,75 TL to 8,20 and 5 from 12,25 to 13 TL while 52 was 105. . Dokuz Eylül University Campus, Tınaztepe Campus and Bornova Metro, -Ege University campus employee even 118 10 penny 20 cents and the use of the 60 age card annual use price 115 TL rose to TL 125.

CHP Group in the Parliament in the speeches made before the vote about the tariff SözcüSü Deniz Yücel, 1 January 2015 and 31 October 2015 7,24 6,69 increase, the rate of increase in CPI 24,31, 13,48 percent of the dollar exchange rate and XNUMX X percent of the dollar is reasonable by saying that the rate of increase, he said. Ak Parti Group SözcüSü Hakkı Durmaz said, “According to Tüfe, we can understand the reason for the increase, but the reason we oppose it is that we think that the damage caused by the electronic card tender in 2015 will be attributed to Izmir residents with this increased tariff. "The increase in Tüfe and Üfe could be covered by the ESHOT budget."

Aziz Kocaoğlu, to the opposition of the Ak Party Group, said, “The problems experienced in the electronic card tender due to the legislation were in front of everyone. The damage will be recourse to the responsible. "It is a genius invention to say that public transport is raised at the beginning of the year due to the money that could not be collected for a while."

Kocaoğlu “In one of our cities, you travel 90 kilometers for 14 TL, 36 kilometers for 7.25 TL, 63 kilometers for 9.50 TL, and 40 kilometers for 5.25 TL. In Izmir, you travel 62 kilometers, 57 kilometers, 43 kilometers for 4.80 TL. Again in this city, 2,15 TL. 2.40 TL is new with us. In this province, 1.45 TL for the first transfer, 1,15 TL for the second transfer, 0,85 kurus more for the third and subsequent transfers. In İzmir, 90 TL remains constant for 2.40 minutes after the first boarding. While 3 transfers after the first boarding in Izmir pay 2.40 TL, 3 transfers after the first boarding in this city pay 5.60 TL. If we apply the price recipes in this big city in Izmir, ESHOT does not hurt. “I am presenting this to the Assembly and the İzmir public”.

Stating that as İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, they constantly subsidize transportation and consider this compulsory in terms of social municipality, Kocaoğlu said that it is possible for citizens to move for less than 2,40 TL. Pointing out that this can be achieved by applying the principle of “Whoever benefits, he pays”, Kocaoğlu said, “The Central Government gives us money from the budget and also to the municipality. To the Police Department! When you give the police money for transportation, that is, they get on with a card, there is no harm. Disabled people with disabilities with related ministries, the Ministry of Family Affairs ride free when 65+ subsidized all municipalities in Turkey will benefit from this situation. We want people outside of the metropolis who eat bread from this business and whose father and grandfather remained a profession of public transport, we want them to continue their business. We are in a row in between. If free boarding passes depart, the Metropolitan Municipality withdraws from carrying out transportation outside the metropolitan area. Minibuses and bus drivers agree to the current prices. However, the free, free rides are not acceptable. "It is not possible for anyone to get over this," he said.