16 Bursa

Cable car discount to Uludag campers

Cable car discount for campers in Uludağ: The cable car, which started operating again in the Uludağ hotels area, decided to discount the campers staying in Çobankaya and Sarıalan. Bursa Governor Münir Karaloğlu's stay in Çobankaya [more…]

35 Izmir

Teleferik in Izmir

Break to Enjoy the Cable Car in Izmir: Due to the extreme heat and the transportation of passengers much higher than expectations in a short time, the periodic maintenance of the Cable Car in the autumn was brought forward. Facilities as of today [more…]

Intercity Railways

Konya-Akşehir Raybüs Ticket Prices

Konya-Akşehir Raybus Ticket Fees: In the statement, which also included information about Konya-Akşehir-Konya DMU line ticket fees, it was stated that the full ticket price is 19,25 lira, with a 20 percent discount (young, round-trip, [more…]

34 Istanbul

The electric tram in Istanbul

The adventure of the electric tram in Istanbul: Electric trams first started operating in Istanbul in 1913. It was abolished in 1961 on the grounds that it was not efficient. Before electric trams [more…]

07 Antalya

52,1 kilometer rail system to Antalya

52,1 kilometer rail system to Antalya: Stating that the EXPO rail system is progressing rapidly, Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Menderes Türel said that the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications [more…]