Hyundai Rotem Trains in Egypt

Hyundai Rotem Trains in EgyptThe first train of Hyundai Rotem for the first line of the Cairo Metro in Egypt has been introduced to the citizens. The trains started in the last month of March and started to serve one month before the scheduled time.

The cost of the agreement covering the purchase of 2012 units made in 20 in the 2,16 of Hyundai Rotem with the competent authority of the Egyptian national metro (NAT) is XNUMX billion euros.

The first stage of the production of trains will be in South Korea and the final assembly will be done in Egypt.

In the agreement, the trains will be guaranteed for the 2 year and the next 8 is the maintenance of the year by Hyundai Rotem.

The first of the trains was delivered last March. The delivery of all trains is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2016 periodically.