Today in History: 2 May 1900 Abdulhamid II ordered the construction of the Hejaz Railway

Today in History
2 May 1900 ordered the construction of Abdulhamid II's Hejaz Railway construction. Sultan Abdulhamid; He gave orders by saying, “For the construction of Hatt-ı Mezkur, which is based on the help of Allah Almighty and the help of our Messenger of Allah (saas).” Commission-Ali was established to carry out all the transactions related to Hicaz Railway. The commission headed by the Sultan consisted of the Minister of the Navy Hasan Hüsnü Pasha, the Minister of the Nafia, Zihni Pasha, the ex-Minister of Finance Tevfik Pasha, Izzet Pasha and the Chief of the Navy Manufacturing Commission Husnu Pasha and Serkatip Tahsin Pasha. Later, Grand Vizier Mehmet Ferit Pasha joined the commission.
2 May 1933 Niğde-Boğazköprü railway line was inaugurated / Niğde-Boğaz¬köprü line was opened. Contractor Jülius Berger Consortium
2 May 1943 Zonguldak-Kozlu line is in operation.