Shock Warning for Famous Professional Transition to the Bay Transition

Shock Warning for the Construction of the Gulf Pass from the Famous Expert: Speaking at the 3 's Bridges Viaducts Symposium held in Bursa Çankaya University Head of Civil Engineering Department. Dr. Hakkı Polat Gülkan stated that the fault lines crossed over both sides of the Gulf Crossing Bridge and said, “It is of great importance that the earthquakes will be predicted during the time that the bridge will serve. There are specific design parameters. I hope the testing of whether these design parameters are correct does not occur in the near future and this bridge will continue to serve safely olmad.
The Chamber of Civil Engineers at the 3 Bridges Viaduct Symposium, hosted by the Bursa Branch of the Chamber of Civil Engineers, presented a presentation titled düzenlen Selecting the Ground Motion Records to be Considered in the Bridge Account). Dr. Hakkı Polat Gülkan pointed out that the fault lines crossed the both sides of the Bay Bridge. Although the depth is not much, the geological and earthquake characteristics represented by the Gulf of Izmit said. Dr. Hakki Polat Gulkan, said:
Var This is the last 10 bin, the 20 of the Gulf, both on the South and the North side of the Gulf, as the geologists strongly, firmly and convincingly suggest, have strong earthquakes over a thousand years. And the faults that cause earthquakes pass at both ends of this bridge. After that, it is important to consider which earthquakes will occur during the service period of the bridge. There are specific design parameters. I hope the testing of whether these design parameters are true does not occur in the near future and this bridge will continue to serve safely. Olup
He said that the earthquakes were quickly forgotten. Dr. Gülkan, 1944 gave the example of the Gerede earthquake. Gulkan, the North Anatolian Fault Line, Gerede passed right in the middle of the earthquake and 1944 sees great destruction of the city with this earthquake, pointing, "O earthquake in the middle was divided into two halves. When we look at the buildings after that date, Gerede's hospital, municipality, home, high school and all the state buildings were built on this fault. These fault lines are mapped in the MTA's map. But unfortunately we do not take enough lessons from them, Ama he said.