2023 Target Rail System and Transportation Place Panel

Rail System and its Place in Transportation Panel in 2023 Target: MÜSİAD Automotive Sector Chairman Uluğ: - “The good news that our President made an automotive specialization area regarding Karasu during his visit to Sakarya last week made us all excited and, of course, opened new horizons to new targets”

Independent Industrialists' Association (MÜSİAD) Automotive Sector Board President Talha Özay Uluğ said that the announcement of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Sakarya last week will be the city's automotive specialty and excites everyone and opens new horizons for new targets.

Speaking at the "2023 Target Rail System and Its Place in Transportation Panel" organized by the Sakarya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SATSO) and MUSIAD Sakarya Branch, Uluğ said that the main factor in adapting to the systems is to be able to renew itself.

running the MUSIAD 2023 on behalf attract the head of Turkey's dynamic wheel "fast, high morality and advanced technology" mission to change the magic that expresses Uluğ, "Today our country's 86 point, 65 countries in the world, at 166 points, have a say on any platform with 11 thousand members works to be. We can also see the reflections of this from the press. ”

Stating that 15 sector boards will hold 60 panels in 60 provinces with the new restructuring commissioned at MÜSİAD, Uluğ invited businessmen to the Regional Business Development Meeting to be held in Kütahya on 16 May.

Ulug said:

“The good news that Mr. President was in the region of automotive specialization he gave about Karasu during his visit to Sakarya last week made us all excited, delighted and of course opened up new targets. In addition to being an automotive base, we are excitedly and eagerly anticipating that Sakarya will soon be announced as the specialty system of rail systems, which is rapidly moving towards becoming one of the main vessels of domestic industry in our country. ”

MUSIAD Sakarya Branch President Ahmet Genc in Beijing and London Uninterruptible closely they followed the Railway Project, he told Turkey that they hope to do in this context is the duty.

Giving information about the activities that accelerated the sector, Genç said, “Electric tram, light rail vehicles, high-speed train, diesel-powered train, new generation vehicles, driverless, magnetic rail-operated vehicles, some of the activities that will accelerate the sector.”

Moderated the panel that made the Ulugün Turkey Wagon Industry Inc. (TÜVASAŞ) CEO Hikmet Ozturk, "National Train Project", Turkey Locomotive and Engine Industry Inc. (TULOMSAS) General Manager Hayri Avci, "Fast Train Project" Durmazlar Sebahattin Ara, Deputy General Manager of Holding AŞ made a presentation on “Urban Rail Transport”.