Manisa Transportation Master Plan Tender Done: Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Department Head Mümin Deniz stated that the tender for the transportation master plan that will cover the whole city was made.
The Head of Transportation Department of Manisa Metropolitan Municipality, Mümin Deniz, stated that the transportation master plan tender which will cover the whole city was made. Deniz stated that public transport systems will be implemented with the transportation modes to be determined in accordance with the Metropolitan Transportation Master Plan to be prepared in 18 months.
Chairman of the Department of Sea, Manisa people to relax transportation master plan, the city should be owned by public institutions and non-governmental organizations, he said. Calling all together for planning the transportation of Manisa, Mümin Deniz said, il As the Directorate of Transportation of Metropolitan Municipality, we have completed the tender for the transportation master plan covering the center and all the districts of Manisa. We have signed contracts with the contractor Mescioğlu. We are launching this study in Manisa and its districts. 5216 of law 7. Since it is our legal authority to make the transportation master plans with our article, we will start to prepare this plan by completing all the procedures. We hope that the governorship of Manisa, district municipalities, universities and non-governmental organizations will be a stakeholder of this plan. Man
Stating that the planned rail system can be foreseen in Manisa, Deniz states that these plans will be formed. In this context, the rail systems we think in the city center will be calculated within the scope of this plan. If this plan to be prepared foresees us by rail systems in the city center, construction tender will be initiated but other alternative transportation modes will be applied if it does not foresee. In addition, we want to organize the Manisa suburban system from the districts to the center in the conventional lines of TCDD, to carry our citizens to Manisa in the most economical way and to make planning to carry out transportation in terms of transportation. Konv
Mescioğlu Engineering and Consulting Inc. Hüseyin Gülmez, Deputy General Manager, wished that the transportation master plan tender contract would be beneficial to Manisa. Gülmez said, Gül We are aware of our responsibility. As stated in the tender specifications, this work has a monthly period of 18. In the meantime, we will do this work as specified in the technical specifications and prepare a master plan suitable for the city by consulting with the people of Manisa and the Metropolitan Municipality of Manisa. Bu