Health, Sport and Hope Project in Hakkari

Health, Sports and Hope Project in Hakkari: Hakkari Reşko Nature Sports Culture Association; With the 'Health, Sports and Hope Project', young people become hopeful.

Within the scope of the 'Health, Sports and Hope Project' carried out by the Hakkari Reşko Nature Sports Culture Association within the scope of the Youth Projects Support Program of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Hakkari to bring substance addicted students and young people to sports and to raise awareness about substance addiction, 13 young people have Merga Butan It was stated that ski training was given at the Ski Center. Hakkari Reşko Nature Sports Culture Association President Emin Yıldırım stated that as the association, they are working on bringing addicted students to sports within the scope of the grant program they offer to the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Yıldırım said, “Our aim here is to raise awareness about drug addiction in Hakkari after encouraging students who have become or may be addicted to sports in Hakkari, and to ensure that these young people are removed from drug addiction, and as a result they become exemplary individuals in the society. We entered into such a project as a result of establishing the infrastructure of skiing and training athletes who will represent our city both nationally and internationally in the upcoming period, and to cover all expenses after the donation of the ministry within the scope of this project. Here, after giving ski training to 2700 students, we also give rafting training in later stages and give seminars about them and give the message of a good athlete and a good student to the society.

Recep Sönmez, one of the students, stated that he did not have much to do with sports before and said, “We were damaging our body by smoking. After coming to sports, we quit smoking and took a step towards a better life. We used to not think of ourselves and now we realize that what we did before was bad. It makes our sports time pass well. Skiing is very nice and I loved it very much, I thank everyone who contributed ”.