TCDD Explanation Made: No Loss

TCDD Communication Line
TCDD Communication Line

TCDD made a statement “no loss”: It was reported that there was no significant increase in TCDD operating losses, but an increase in passenger and freight revenues.

In the statement made by TCDD, it has been stated that the reports of the Court of Accounts have been reported in some press organs recently and there are reports that the damage of TCDD has increased.

It is stated that the TCA's audit reports are not shared with the public because the responses of the institutions are not shared with the public due to the fact that the TCA's website is not shared with the public and there is no significant increase in TCDD operating losses, whereas there was an increase in passenger and freight transportation revenues, which are the main operating duties.

In the statement that TCDD is an organization that performs infrastructure and management together, the following were noted:
“New lines were opened for the business and the TCDD vehicle fleet was rejuvenated; depreciation costs of these vehicles are shown as loss. In addition, bonuses and compensations of 1654 personnel retired under the law were shown as losses in the news in question. Depreciation costs and bonus amounts reach 1 billion liras. As a result; Since the expenditures in the mentioned items are also shown as 'TCDD loss', the perception of 'TCDD is increasing in harm' is created.

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