Deaths on ski slopes cannot be stopped

Deaths on the ski slopes cannot be stopped: thousands of families flocked to the ski slopes with a half-year holiday. However, insufficient measures on the ski slopes have been invited to death. After the death of Elif in Uludağ, a bitter news came from Palandöken. Final victim of a college
Uludag'ya going to ski with his family after the death of the little Elif'in sled down from the fire yesterday in Palandöken university student Mehmet Akif Koyuncu's death has turned his eyes back to the ski slopes.


After the death of Elif, the runway accident was closed. Other ski operators, said the company in question did not take the necessary security measures. The prosecution launched an investigation into the incident. Skiing on the ski slope where little Elif lost his life and his mother injured him was banned.

Nusret Santur, one of the ski operators, said, “I think there is neglect. Failure to take security precautions, not to pull the barrier and net, and to provide illegal sled caused disaster. This place is supervised by the gendarmerie. But they give runaway sleds when there is no gendarme. That was the price for renting the illegal sled ”.

Metin Nemutlu, the father of the national skier Asli Nemutlu, who lost his life during his training at the Konakli Ski Center in Erzurum three years ago, drew attention to the imprudence in the ski resorts.


Nemutlu emphasized that hundreds of similar accidents were experienced due to insufficient measures. Bir I do not think that even the professional racetracks have not been determined, new security measures have been taken and measures have been taken for the citizens who are skiing in a country where ambulances are recently introduced. We are not taking lessons from mistakes H.

HOCA HELALLIK did not want

Elif Uymuşlar, who lost their lives by falling while sliding with his mother in Uludağ, were buried yesterday with tears. His mother, who was injured in the accident that caused Elif's death, also joined in a wheelchair. The painful mother suffered badness. Sefa Özdemir, the imam of the Mosque Mosque, said that, "I hope God is heavenly for God," and said that he will not ask for halalness when he is young.


University student Mehmet Akif Koyuncu, (25) went to Palandöken Ski Center with his 4 friend last night. Young people who want to ski late at night, security around the poles that pierce the ski slopes 'protection against collisions'
dismantled the cushions.


Young people who started to slide on the cushions entered the zone, which was closed with the decision of the commission and prohibited by signs. Koyuncu, hit the snow curtain made of wood to the left of the track. Kuncuuncu, 4 on Facebook on January, 'So you can change a person's thoughts and dreams overnight,' he drew attention to the sharing.