The BTK railway project of the century that could not be completed was discussed in the Turkish Grand National Assembly

The BTK railway project, which could not be completed, was discussed in the Parliament: The news in the press about the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) Railway Project, which could not be completed despite the fact that it was laid 6,5 years ago and 3 times more money was spent than the tender price, found an echo in the TGNA.

Opposition MPs brought up the topic of the Zaman newspaper in the headlines during the budget negotiations of the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, where Minister Lütfü Elvan was also present. MHP deputy Mehmet Günal pointed out that the company, which offered 190 million lira for some business items determined by the state for 7 million lira, said 'I will not do this job', but that the company won the tender. Stating that the firm has found the trick to winning a tender, it gives low prices in total, but ends the money by doing high-profitable jobs, and that it is not enough for low-profitable jobs, Günal said, “There is no superstructure built into the infrastructure. But you are looking at the total cost of 3 times the projected price. Why were contracts made with these companies when the offer was so problematic? Is it always the state food? ” she asked.

Stating that if the citizen has the slightest debt, the state is pursuing it with all its means to collect it, Günal called out to Minister Elvan and said, “When it comes to your job, you do the tenders separately by dividing them. Why didn't you do the same in this tender. These are very costly things. You know better than us the importance of efficient use of resources. " he spoke.

CHP Deputy İzzet Çetin stated that what happened during the tender process regarding the BTK railway was unacceptable in the rule of law. Stating that 17-18 pages of criticism were written on the issue in the TCA report, Çetin said, “The BTK railways, which you introduced as the investment of the century, changed hands three times. Maybe not even worth 1.5 billion liras. Such abuse of country resources is unacceptable. " said.

CHP Mersin Deputy Vahap Seçer also evaluated the problems experienced in the railway line tender. Seçer said it was difficult to understand how engineers and experts of a whole ministry were invested in the opposite corner during the BTK railway tender process. Seçer told Minister Elvan, “Those who made the tender are bureaucrats. Is the hand of bureaucrats collecting pears? " she asked.

Seçer continued his words as follows: “There is a problem arising from the public procurement legislation. Cheater. This is due to the procurement legislation, but our bureaucrats' hand collects pears? A company will come, show off, deceive. It is necessary to be fair in such ministries. The money entrusted to you is the money of this nation. Ugly allegations emerged during the 17-25 December process. Who transferred the tender to the pool media? These appeared in the taps. These companies have also received projects from you. We have to overcome them. It does not end with making roads. There are investments that are expensive because of the airline railway lining.

CHP Denizli deputy Adnan Keskin said that the budget was used outside the budget appropriations. Sharp, Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway tender 3 once expressed that the tender Keskin, the stage of preparation for the tender 500 million dollars spent spending money. Keskin pointed out that one 500 million dollars will be spent to make the tender ready again.