DSI warned: Stone bridge can be destroyed at any moment

DSI warned: Stone bridge can be destroyed at any moment. DSI 6 in Silifke District of Mersin. Regional Office 62. Improvement work on the carrier legs of the stone bridge jointly carried out by the Branch Directorate and the Municipality of Silifke was stopped.
Silifke Museum Directorate stopped working after a press release by Silifke Municipality's CHP Councilor Zekai Serin in a local newspaper about the improvement of the stone bridge at the feet of the historical building without wearing out and in accordance with the original. After the study was stopped, DSI 6th Regional Directorate 62nd Branch Directorate officials underlined that there is a danger of the collapse of the feet of the bridge and that the work should be started as soon as possible.
In the statement made by the 6nd Branch Directorate of the 62th Regional Directorate of the DSI, it was said: “Corrosion has occurred due to the flow rate of the water around the carrier legs of the historical stone bridge built on the Göksu River. and its stones were dragged and moved 10 m to 50 m below the bridge. Especially the sides of the bridge, which are in the middle and right of the bridge, are completely carved. Trees emerged on and around the bridge legs, these trees and their roots grew and started to remove stones from the supporting legs. Our administration has started work on bed arrangement within the scope of machine operation in Göksu River. Due to the fact that the historical Taşköprü is within the protected area, an application has been made to the Silifke Museum Directorate to give us the necessary permit to work around the historical Taşköprü with our letter dated 24.10.2014. However, the process continues. Unless reinforcement is carried out on the carrier legs and edges of the bridge, the bridge faces the risk of collapse at any time. Since vehicles and people are still passing through it, it will be inevitable to experience loss of life and property in case of a possible collapse that may occur due to the increase in flow rate. ”
Mayor Mustafa Turgut, in his statement, stated that they aim to implement a project implemented in Porsuk Stream in Eskişehir in the Göksu River as a result of the studies carried out in cooperation with DSI.
Underlining that the maintenance and cleaning works carried out in cooperation with Municipality and State Hydraulic Works (DSI) are currently stopped, but the permits will be taken and the work will be continued again, President Turgut said, “The new vehicle and pedestrian bridges, each of which has a unique design, with the project we will realize on the Göksu River. It will be a work that will be exemplified by Silifke and İçel with its elegant looks, and will add beauty to its beauty. Within the scope of the project, while large-scale arrangements are made to clean the Göksu River and to reduce the risk of disasters, arrangements and studies will be started to make use of urban transportation in Silifke as well as in the developed cities of the world, where the river runs through. ” said.
Silifkeliler stated that they do not want to stop the study, they are fed up with the floods every year, the bridge can be easily seen with the naked eye destruction of the project and the project as soon as possible to work to accelerate the work, he said.