Speed ​​and Comfort Citizen Directed YHT

Speed ​​and Comfort Citizen Directed to YHT: According to the information received from TCDD officials, YHTs became the first means of transportation that come to mind in terms of travel due to their speed and comfort in Ankara, Istanbul, Eskişehir and Konya lines. There are no vacancies in YHTs, except for refunds and travel changes in tickets that are put on sale 20 days before the holiday. Those who leave vacation planning to the last day will evaluate alternative means of transportation.

YHTs will carry approximately 12 thousand passengers a day in 10 flights, 14 between Ankara and Istanbul, 4 between Eskişehir and Ankara, 40 between Ankara and Konya and 17 between Eskişehir and Konya. Approximately 4 thousand people are expected to travel by YHT during the 70-day period before and after the feast.

“72 percent of the passengers on the Eskişehir-Ankara line are on the high speed train”

Eskişehir Station Manager Süleyman Hilmi Özer said that before the Ankara-Eskişehir YHT line was opened in 2009, 78 percent of the transportation between the two cities was provided by road. Stating that YHT attracts great attention from citizens due to its speed and comfort, Özer said:

“According to the data we have, YHT has become a travel tool that attracts great attention in terms of travel in Ankara and Istanbul. Currently, 72 percent of the passengers on the Eskişehir-Ankara line are on the high-speed train. The road used to be in those numbers, now the pointer has been reversed. If the citizen cannot find a place from us, he looks at other means of transportation. Bayram tickets were launched 20 days in advance. Those who plan early are more likely to find a place. He will have difficulties in transportation, which leaves the holiday plan to the last days. ”

Ozer explained that the occupancy rate remained at 60 percent of the world's fastest train operated by countries, working with yht occupancy rate of 90 percent in Turkey. Due to the intense interest of citizens in YHT, TCDD is also planning. He said that we will try to respond to the demands with the new YHT sets to be purchased next year.


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