Eskişehir and Rail System

Eskişehir and Rail System: On Wednesday, TÜLOMSAŞ, General Manager, Mr. AVCI, made remarkable statements on "RAIL SYSTEM PROJECTS" and "HIGH SPEED TRAIN PROJECT" that are to be realized in Eskişehir.

In addition, for rail system projects and high speed train production, materials, machinery and manpower resources of TULOMSAS are gathered in a way to ensure production of the specified product at the desired quality, at the desired time, with the lowest cost or with the highest profit.

TÜLOMSAŞ is in serious work on production planning in order to carry out production activities efficiently in Railways Projects, to carry out all activities related to production regularly, to bring the factors that are brought together in accordance with production to action.

TÜLOMSAŞ, in the production of rail systems projects and high speed trains, with its production planning and programs, determines what, when, how, where and by whom it will be made and keeps it ready. Due to sudden changes occurring in time-changing conditions or plan period, plans can be modified.

Of course, TOLUMSAŞ will do its part. However, in projects related to rail systems, the same profitability and sacrifice should be shown by all the people in Eskişehir. Because the vicious controversy, Eskişehir, in every field is the point that it brings.

In Eskişehir, not only the sensuality but also the reason and logic must be dominant in the performance. Personal, ideological and political thoughts and conflicts should not be an obstacle for Eskişehir to act together in projects related to Rail Systems.

TULOMSAŞ is determined to implement the “NATIONAL TRAIN PROJECT”, which includes high speed train set, new generation diesel train set (DMU), new generation electric train set (EMU) and new generation freight wagons. For this reason, if Eskişehir wants to take a share from these projects and to make Eskişehir a production center for rail systems, all certainties in the province have to act together TÜLOMSAŞ and URAYSİM.

It was launched in Eskişehir by TÜLOMSAŞ, Anadolu and ESOGÜ universities and around 250 companies with the “RAIL SYSTEM CLUSTER”. In this area, “Strategy Document and Strategy Action Plan” was realized. The project submitted to the State Planning Organization was accepted on condition that it was revised in January 2011. With this project approved by the Ministry of Development, Eskişehir will be the center of the rail systems.

4 project coordination group, which will work under 33 project group and groups, including High Speed ​​Train, Electric Sets and freight wagon production and test control processes, has been formed. A total of 280 1056 people will work in the project, including 520 scientist, 1 engineer and 856 technical and managerial experts.

In projects, Eskişehir will undertake important tasks and will make serious contributions. Eskişehir will be represented in the national train projects with TÜLOMSAŞ and Rail Systems Cluster and National Rail Systems Research and Test Center (URAYSİM). TÜLOMSAŞ, which has contributed significantly to rail systems since its establishment, will be one of the main contractors.

In the National Ten project, in cooperation with TCDD and Istanbul Technical University; as the main responsible, TCDD, the National High Speed ​​Train Project as TÜLOMSAŞ,

Eskişehir Rail Systems Cluster (RSK) also took part.
In Rail Systems Projects, the acquisition of Eskişehir will be as much as TÜLOMSAŞ. On the other hand, Turkey, established in Eskişehir as a first Rail Systems Cluster's, as it would contribute to this project, also in the rail system in Eskişehir project, the development of companies engaged in production, will lead to the development of new employment in creating and manufacturing capabilities .

National Train and High Speed ​​Train projects will also contribute significantly to the development of sub-industry. Indeed, TÜLOMSAŞ, Side Industry Development, program was put into operation. In this context; In the manufacturing of locomotives, 55 was% 80. Especially Electrical / Electronics, Casting and Welding Construction etc. Our sub-industries in the sectors have been continuously supported. Within the scope of Subcontracting Development Program, nearly 150 Million TL has been transferred to our supplier industry in the last seven years and approximately 1000 has been employed.

Under the leadership of TÜLOMSAŞ, Eskişehir can be the production center of rail systems. Just as all the people in the city, especially Vilayet, Anakent and Sub-Municipalities and ESO, should be able to contribute to the projects related to rail systems and to make them material and moral.