Asphalt pavement village road

Dusty village roads in Sivasta are waiting for asphalt: Although the infrastructure and sewerage works of all villages in the provinces were transferred to the special provincial administrations with the closure of the village services, neither the roads nor the sewerage of the villages in Sivas center were made. While the 4 km road of Eskiboğazkesen village, which is affiliated to Sivas provincial special administration, was not paved, the infrastructure problem of Tepeönü Village was not solved.
Although Sivas provincial special administration declared that 'there will be no village roads without asphalt', the residents of Eskibogazkesen village, 15 kilometers from the center, have been waiting for asphalt for years. Ahmet Boğazkesen, one of the residents of the village, stated that they explained the issue to the relevant authorities in the time of Governor Veysel Dalmaz about 5 years ago and summarized the process as follows: “The governor got the issue on the program. However, the road of our villages remained when the center was taken. We notified our incoming governor and provincial special administration. In the period of Governors Ali Kolat, the late Zübeyr Kemelek and our current governor Alim Barut, we still expect the village road and infrastructure services to improve in other villages. Our Provincial Secretary General also knows the issue, but we expect it to be our turn for 5 years, despite the allocation and inclusion in the program. "
Every holiday, vacation days in the village to spend the day living in the old people of Eskiboğazkesenliler they see the same view every year is enough now. Citizens in the mechanism governing the province started to think that there was a caste of the people in the mechanism governing the province, and that they would move the issue to the parliamentary agenda if the road was not done.



National Athletes Won 3 Medals

Our national athletes made our country proud by winning 3 medals with their outstanding performance in the international arena. This success is an important victory achieved with determination and perseverance. Read our article for details. [more…]