Ardahan Governorship Central District Service to the villages of the Union Presidency
To take the Teleski line to the winter sports tourism center.
1. the Administration
a) Address: Ardahan Governorship Meeting Room
b) Telephone - Fax Number: (0478) 211 26 66 - (0478) 211 58 20
c) E-mail Address (if applicable):
2. The construction work
a) Quality, Type and Quantity: Our city is the center of the city center.
b) Location: Ardahan Center Yalnızçam Ski Center
c) Date of Start-up: Within the 5 days following the delivery of the contract by the technical staff, the contractor has to start the work.
d) Work will not be started by the appointed technical personnel before the place delivery is made.
e) Duration of Work: 75 (seventy-five) days from the date of delivery.
3. the tender
a) Tender Authorization: The Central District is Authorized as Tender Commission of the Board of the Board of the Union for Service to the Villages.
b) Location: Ardahan Governorship Meeting Room
c) Date - Time: 22/07/2014 date and time 10:00
d) Bid Envelopes hour: The next 09: 30 will be delivered to the Administration.
Tender notices published on our website are for information only and do not replace the original document. The original document is valid for the differences between published documents and original tender documents. Our sources are Official Gazette, Daily Newspapers, Public Institutions and Institutions web pages.