The bed capacity of Erciyes ski center will be doubled to 10

The bed capacity of the Erciyes ski center will be 10 times: to enter service in Erciyes Ski Center is located between important tourism centers of Turkey hotel with 600 beds will be from 6 thousand.

Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality Erciyes AŞ Chairman of the Board Murat Cahid Cıngı told AA correspondent that they made significant investments in Erciyes Mountain within the scope of Erciyes Winter Sports and Tourism Center Project that they started in 2005.

Stating that they have started to build their superstructures after completely resolving the infrastructure problem of the mountain, Cıngı emphasized that Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality has developed a Accommodation Village Project around Tekir Lake and 21 hotel lands are sold to the private sector.

Cıngı stated that 17 boutique hotels and 4 star hotels will be built in the region and the bed capacity of Erciyes Mountain will increase from 600 to 6 thousand.

“More than 150 million Euros was invested in Erciyes by the Metropolitan Municipality. However, the inadequate bed capacity was our biggest disadvantage. Since our bed capacity was insufficient, we could not host large groups from abroad in Erciyes Ski Center. With the hotels to be put into service, foreign tourists from all over the world can now stay in Erciyes as much as they want. During our meetings with tour operators, they first asked us about the bed capacity. When they said 'We have 600 bed capacity on the mountain', they did not want to bring tourists to Erciyes. Now we can meet tour operators more comfortably. ”

- Erciyes will appeal to the world

Stating that investors have started hotel constructions and a large part of them will be put into service next season, Cıngı stated that a significant part of the existing hotels in Erciyes are the facilities that have emerged with the privatization of guesthouses, and that tourists coming from abroad filled the hotels in winter and cannot find a place for tourists who want to come from abroad.

Cıngı, who noted that they can address the world when they reach 6 beds, said: “Foreign skiers are looking for places to have new adventures after skiing in the Alps, Austria, France and Italy. Erciyes stands out as a very important alternative here. I believe that a tourist who comes to Erciyes will bring tens of them afterwards. ”

Erciyes hotel in Turkey for investment is around the application expressing Cıngı, Ankara, Istanbul, Antalya, Alanya, Antalya is like the tourist centers of investors Erciyes'l closely interested, stressed that the review of the tourism facilities in Erciyes in the coming years.