Workshop Garda Paintings Opened

Atölye Garda Painting Exhibition was opened: Atölye Garda Painting Exhibition was opened by the students of Çankırı Karatekin University Faculty of Fine Arts. The exhibition opened at Çankırı Municipality Train Library, [more…]


Treasure train

Treasury train: 'Treasury guarantee' is coming to TCDD's giant projects. According to the article added to the omnibus bill at the last minute, 3.3 billion lira of external financing required for TCDD's giant projects will be provided. [more…]


Description of Aft from İntepe Viaduct

Statement from Afad about the İntepe Viaduct: Çanakkale Governorship Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate announced that the cracks formed in the İntepe Viaduct are not related to the earthquake. In the written statement made by AFAD, [more…]


Malatya Freeway in Thousand 200

Malatya Ring Road Will Be Completed in 200 Days: The General Directorate of Highways announced the process by publishing the "tender announcement" for the Malatya Ring Road, whose construction has not started even though it has been on the agenda for a long time. [more…]


Kavacık traffic is resolved

Kavacık traffic is being solved: With the new road construction and regulation works initiated by the General Directorate of Highways, the traffic problem in Kavacık Square is being solved. Kavacık traffic transportation in the district [more…]


Derince Port tender will be held today

Derince Port tender will be held today: The final bargaining meeting of Derince Port will be held today. According to the statement made by the Privatization Administration, the General Directorate of the State Railways of the Republic of Turkey [more…]

25 Erzurum

Development approach to winter tourism

Development approach to Winter Tourism: Sports and Tourism Sector Experts of the Ministry of Development examined Erzurum Winter Sports Centers. Winter sports and sports activities transferred to the Prime Ministry Privatization Administration [more…]


Sued for highways

He filed a lawsuit against the highways: Mehmet Yılmaz, the father of Hakan Yılmaz from Gölcük, was hit by a vehicle while riding a motorcycle at the entrance of the Mestaş Fuel Station at the Gölcük crossing of the D-130 highway a while ago. [more…]


Traffic detectives get ID cards

Traffic detectives are getting their ID cards: Students who are trained within the scope of the traffic detectives project in Kulu are getting their ID cards. "Road Traffic Safety" came into force on July 31, 2012. [more…]


Herekede Signage Fiasco

Signboard Fiasco in Hereke: On the highway sign within the borders of Hereke, it is written how many kilometers are left to Kocaeli. This situation makes it seem as if Hereke is not within the borders of Kocaeli. [more…]


TFSF 30. Ordinary General Assembly

TŞOF 30th Ordinary General Assembly: TŞOF President Apaydın: “Going to the elections as a single list in the general assembly with 5 thousand 40 delegates will strengthen the community's belief in unity and solidarity.” [more…]


Avanosta Suspension Bridge Painted

Suspension Bridge in Avanos is Being Painted: The suspension bridge on Kızılırmak in Avanos district of Nevşehir is being painted by Avanos Municipality teams. Avanos on the suspension bridge, which has become the symbol of Avanos [more…]