Here is the alternative Old Istanbul Way

Here is the alternative Old Istanbul Road: D-100 Highway, where traffic was given due to the repair works of the viaducts in the direction of Ankara, between Gebze and Körfez of the TEM Highway, there was a great density at the weekend. Drivers who knew the alternative way flocked to the Old Istanbul Road. The residents of the village sitting on the route said that the Old Istanbul road is suitable for double road construction, and if this is done, the TEM and D-100 traffic will be greatly relieved.
Following a fatal traffic accident that occurred yesterday afternoon at the Dilovası District pass, the residents of the district closed the D-100 Highway for approximately 1 hour of transportation. While the mayor and political party representatives hardly convinced the public to open the road to transportation, many citizens turned to the Old Istanbul road from Dilovası District.
İbrahim Gürkan, the former headman of Sevindikli Village, said that the Old Istanbul Road, which is generally known by Izmit and Adapazarı and those who live in this region, is used only by those living in this region because it passes through the North of the Gulf: "Not only during repairs, but during long holidays from Istanbul to Anatolia Those who know how to use this road also during periods of heavy traffic. It also brings movement to this region. Our citizens coming from the Istanbul region also get to know our region. In fact, this road is suitable to be turned into a double road. TEM and D-100 will relax if this is done. "