Commuter Trains

Istanbul-Adapazari commuter train

Don't forget the Istanbul-Adapazarı suburban train: I can no longer calculate how many people have given due dates for the completion date since 2010, when the railway construction started. former Minister of Transport [more…]

35 Izmir

Train Hit Sheep Herd 1 Injured

Train Hit a Herd of Sheep, 1 Injured: In Taşkesik village of İzmir's Torbalı district, the train hit a herd of sheep crossing the rails at the level crossing. It is located in Torbalı district of Izmir. [more…]


Trabzon Railway Platform Meets

Trabzon Railway Platform Gathered: Yaylalı said, "In this general assembly, the entire process regarding the Erzincan Trabzon Railway Project will be discussed." President of Trabzon City Council and Railway Platform [more…]

34 Istanbul

3rd airport disturbed Germany

The airport disturbed Germany: Tourism professionals reacted to German President Gauck's statements about Turkey with the words "They were disturbed by our 3rd Airport and our move in congress tourism." German President [more…]

Asphalt News

Düzce University Road Paving

Düzce University Road is Asphalt: Düzce Mayor Mehmet Keleş kept his promise before the election. Duzce University road, which has been a snake story in the public opinion for years, is finally asphalted. [more…]


The Peasant Reaches His Dream Bridge

The Villager Gets the Bridge of His Dreams: In the Almus district of Tokat, the bridge works that the villagers dream of have been started. The anachronistic wooden bridge that the villagers have been using for about 50 years in the Çam village of the Almus district. [more…]


The ring road to Antalya

A ring road will come to Antalya: Announcing his projects, Metropolitan Mayor Türel said that the Northern Ring Road, which will extend to Alanya, will be started by 2016. It will be connected to Gazipaşa [more…]


Will the Haburman Bridge be Rescued

Will Haburman Bridge Be Saved? Çermik District Governorship wrote to the Directorate of Culture and Tourism about the historical Haburman bridge, which started to collapse at its feet. The most important history of Çermik district of Diyarbakır [more…]


Bridge crossing level at Ergana

A bridge is being built at the level crossing in Ergani: A bridge is being built at the level crossing in Ergani district. Ergani District Governor Erdinç Yılmaz, in his statement, said that within the scope of group bridges of the 9th Regional Directorate of Highways, State Railways [more…]


Salary action from subcontractor road workers

Salary action by subcontracted highway workers: Subcontracted workers working at the 7rd Branch Chief Office of the 73th Regional Directorate of Highways, Çorum Branch, protested because they could not receive their salaries and were not given their personal rights. [more…]


Half-Century Rails Renewed

Renewal works have started on the 223 kilometer railway running on the Muş, Tatvan, Van and Kapıköy route. The wooden sleepers, rails and other materials on the half-century-old railway were replaced and the road was built today. [more…]