Tudemsas to invest 5 Million TL

Tudemsas will make 5 Million TL Investment: Tüdemşaş Factory has decided to make a new investment in 2014 million TL as of 5. Aiming to increase production, Tudemsas has decided to invest in order to contribute to the industry as a result of the rapid and rapid progress of the works within the organization. 2014 will be used for various jobs in a year around 5 million TL along with new investments throughout the factory. 4 million 845 thousand TL for maintenance and renewal expenses, and 155 thousand TL allowance for the renovation of the machines in the factory.

In recent years, Tudemsas, which is being produced with technological devices and robotics technologies, will increase the amount of 5 million TL new investments in this year, which will cause an increase of approximately 10. Tüdemsaş, which will renew its equipment together with the investment, will finish the works faster and accelerate the construction of new works. Desiring to achieve year-end targets, Tudemsas will complete 2014 year with new investments and take the first steps of the 2015 program. The investments made will also contribute to the side industry. At present, it was known that the enterprises operating in Tüdemsaş in Sivas were close to 400. The number of these personnel will increase with the investments made.