New Trains in Izmir

Izmir's New Trains in Test Drive: The first 3 of the new train sets ordered to increase the passenger capacity of the Izmir Suburban System IZBAN, a partnership between Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and TCDD, were brought to Izmir for test drive.

The first 3 of the new train sets, which were ordered to increase the passenger capacity of the Izmir Suburban System IZBAN, in partnership with Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and TCDD, were brought to Izmir for test drive.

2014 72 wagon 24 set in the 2015 and 15 will be launched in XNUMX.

5 of the sets manufactured by the South Korean Hyundai-Rotem company and assembled in the Eurotem factory in Adapazarı have been completed.

While the first three sets were delivered to Izmir for tests, the other 2 sets were sent to the Eskişehir high speed train line for speed tests.
It was called the Gulf Dolphins

İZBAN's new trains, named Bay Dolphin, consist of 120 sets of 40 cars.

Sets with a maximum operating speed of 140 km / h will be able to carry around one thousand 500 passengers at a time.