General Electric can buy French Alstom

General Electric can buy French Alstom: General Electric Co., one of the world's largest companies, is negotiating to buy Alstom, the French power plant and transmission gear manufacturer. According to the infiltration of the contract value is expected to be around $ 13 billion dollars. However, both companies refrain from making any comments on the issue.

The shares of Alstom, the world's leading energy and transportation company, are valued at 18 and are the fastest jump since 2004.

If the sales take place, General Electric will be able to purchase the largest company to date. The agreement can be announced next week.

Pierre Briançon, European Editor of Reuters, pointed out the difficulty of the sale: ı At the moment we are faced with the new government and the new prime minister who are trying to implement economic policies as President Francois Holande wants. They are trying to implement economic policies such as reforming, cutting expenditures, reducing labor costs. These will prove to be a difficult sale for France. Bunlar

The fact that a French company is taken by an American rival is a rare situation. That's why the option of separating the transportation department, which is the producer of the high-speed trains of France, to get the approval of the Paris government is on the table.