BTK Railway Line is coming to an end

BTK Railway Line is nearing the end: The tests will be carried out on the railway line at the end of this year. In the second half of 2015, the line connecting three countries will be fully operational.

Turkey, Azerbaijan and the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway networks will combine Georgia Nearing the end of the railway line. On the railway line, where 99 will be completed, tests will be carried out at the end of this year, and in the second half of 2015 the railway will be fully operational. After the project is completed, the first phase can be transported to the annual 1 million passengers and 6.5 million tons cargo.

Approximately 10 years ago, it aims to establish direct railway connection between Georgia and Turkey from the agenda of Kars-Baku Railway Project wants to know is the 99 percent completed. The total cost of million dollars 500 105 295 million dollar kilometer line was welcomed in Turkey and has built 76-kilometer section between Kars and Georgian border. section that performs the construction of Turkey, according to double infrastructure was being built as a single parent done, Georgia is received his 200 million dollar loan from Azerbaijan from the border with Turkey about 30 kilometers until Ahilkelek is building a new line and the existing 160-kilometer railway from the overhaul

Logistic base from Azerbaijanis

After the completion of the project, a logistics center will be established by the Azerbaijan State in Kars to serve internationally. Azeris is planning to establish a logistics base on a land of 30 hectares in Kars under the new incentive system. Hundreds of people will be employed in Azerbaijan's giant logistics center in Kars. Azerbaijani goods to those in need, the logistics center channels here will be imported from Turkey.

Transit transportation will increase

When the project is implemented, the Central Asia across the Caspian to connect to Turkey, provision of access over the road between Europe and Central Asia, Turkey-Georgia-Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan passing through rail-sea combined transportation by connecting Central Asia to the Mediterranean and Central Asia It is envisaged the development of transit transport with. Ensuring the realization of the project of developing cooperation in the energy field between 3 countries, Azerbaijan and Turkey will be united by rail through Georgia. The logistics base, which is planned to be established in Kars, will also boost tourism and tourism in the region. The project will also solve the logistics problem, one of the biggest problems of the East. The project, which will create economic viability, will attract investors who are hesitant to leave the region or leave.

Target, 3 million passengers, 17 million tons load

When the Baku-Tifl is-Kars Railroad is in service, the 1 is expected to carry million passengers and 6.5 million tons of cargo, while in the 2034 it is estimated that the 3 million passengers and 17 million on that line will bear the load-carrying capacity. The authorities of many countries, the future of an incredible load demand is already expressed that the officials, gel a serious load on the line will be carried. Of course, these loads will not remain in Kars. A logistics center will be established and there will be a transit line here. Shipment will take place on this line. Bu