Adapazarı-Karasu Ports Railway Connection works continue to the Industrial Facilities

Adapazarı-Karasu Ports Railway Connection works are continuing: Ereğli Iron and Steel Factory which is one of the important iron and steel production centers of our country and the iron and steel production of Karabük iron and steel factory and iron and steel products produced with the input of coal production in order to ensure the most economical transportation it is planned.

With this railway line, 288 Km. Will provide railway connection to Kocaeli region, which is an important industrial production center. (Adapazarı-Karasu: 62 Km., Karasu Bartin Port: 214 Km., Kılçık Hat-Ereğli: 12 Km.), Adapazarı-Karasu Port-Ereğli-Bartın Port Connection Line Railway Project ap is primarily carried out by 62 Km. The construction of the Alty Adapazarı-Karasu Port Railway Infrastructure Connection Line ı constituting the first part of the project is planned.

In addition, with the commissioning of the Bandırma-Bursa-Ayazma-Osmaneli line, the products of the iron and steel factories, which are the main inputs of the automotive industry in the Bursa region, will be delivered to this region in a shorter and more economical way. The first phase of the project is Adapazarı-Karasu 62 km. length of the line, 62 date has been started by making the place delivery.
Viaduct constructions, overpass and overpass bridge constructions, culverts and ground improvement works are underway.

The project includes 108 culverts, 49 underpasses, 7 overpasses, 24 bridges and viaducts.

20.04.2011 started on. The infrastructure of the project is planned to be completed in 2014 and the superstructure will be opened in 2015 Year.
Project Start Date: 2009
Planned Finish Date of the Project: 2015
Project Cost: 641.902.000 TL