3. Accident in Bridge Construction (Photo Gallery)

  1. Accident In Bridge Construction: 3. bridge construction Garipçe tower crane loaded with a tower crane came out of control and fell down the road in the construction site. TIR to fall into the sea, the concrete barrier on the lower road to the installation of a possible catastrophe at the last moment prevented.
    The incident took place at the construction site at the Sarıyer Garipçe leg of the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge construction, the third bridge, at around 16.00:3 yesterday. According to the information obtained, the tower crane went out of control and fell on the lower road in the construction site as a result of the loss of steering control of the truck driver loaded with the tower crane. As a result of the truck being caught in the concrete barriers, nearing to the sea, the brink of the disaster was returned. When the truck could not come out of the crashed place, the site workers rushed to the aid of the TIR. As a result of long efforts, the truck, which was stuck in the ground and barriers, could not be removed, the construction machine was activated. The construction machine first unloaded the soil behind the truck with its bucket. Employees tried to rescue the tires of the truck that had been stuck in the ground with a pickaxe and shovel. After a sufficient amount of road was opened, steel ropes were attached to the rear of the truck by the employees from many places. Later, the other end of the ropes tied to the truck was connected to the work machine. After about 5 hours of work, he was rescued by pulling back with the help of a truck.