Nazilli Organized Industrial Zone Environment Road Lighting

Nazilli Organized Industrial Zone Environmental Road Lighting was carried out: Approaching the end of the Industrial Road, which passes through the Yeni Sanayi neighborhood and from there to Bozdoğan road, lighting poles were planted in the middle refuges of the road.
While the works on the Organized Ring Road with the approximate cost of 6 Million TL continued at full speed, the works of Nazilli Municipality Directorate of Science Affairs and Aydem were completed by using XLPE cables in the overhead line on the Highways. Nazilli Municipality Directorate of Science Affairs, 563 meters with a total length of one thousand 40 meters 18 xNUMX xNUMX pieces with two four-spoke, two three-spoke, 24 double-sleeve and two single-sleeve 52 pieces of galvanized steel polygonal lighting pole watt sodium vaporized street lighting bulb in the Organized Ring Road lighting was realized. While the electrical infrastructure of the road is completed with the works carried out by the Electrical Works of the Directorate of Science Affairs, sewage and sprinkler infrastructure works are still going on in the ring road. The work on the Side Road is completed and the pavement works are continued by raising the floor on the Ring Road. In addition, Nazilli Municipality Organized Peripheral Road to the new industrial site has opened new infrastructure works at full speed.
Besides the relief of Nazilli city traffic, the paving stone works will be carried out in the next month on the Environment Road, which is of great importance for the New Industrial Site and Organized Industrial Zone.