Horasan Vocational High School continues to sign the firsts. Horasan Vocational School, now also made a skiing break in the district.
The beneficial works of Horasan Vocational School for the people of the district and the youth continue at full speed. Horasan Vocational School (MYO) Director Prof. Dr. As a result of Yüksel Özdemir's love and interest in the district of Horasan, ski infrastructure works have now been accelerated in Horasan.
Having consulted with Horasan District Governor Emre Çınar and Vahdet Alaeddinoğlu, Vahdet Alaeddinoğlu, a Vocational School Instructor and ski and tennis coach, Özdemir established a ski team consisting of small students identified in the district after receiving full support. Now the students are Horasan District Governor Emre Çınar and Vocational School Director Prof. Dr. With the support of Yüksel Özdemir, they are taken from the district, brought to Palandöken Mountain and trained here.
Governor of Horasan Emre Çınar, Director of Vocational High School Dr. Yüksel Özdemir and Lecturer Vahdet Alaeddinoğlu, mobilized for young people to do sports, the ski team was created in a short time. While skiing materials were distributed to students, Fehmi Bilge Secondary School was elected as a pilot school. Kaymakam Cinar fulfilled all expenses of 10 student 10 female 20 male chosen from this school and made a first in Khorasan. Kaymakam Çınar, who wore his ski clothes with his own hands to the skiers of the future, received the promise of success from the students.
Prof. Dr. Horasan Vocational School Director of Ski Materials Dr. Yüksel Özdemir, District National Education Director Turgut Demir, District Police Director Nurettin Öner, Okutman Vahdet Alaeddinoğlu, Fehmi Bilge Secondary School Director Mahir Gülen, Physical Education Teacher Burak Çağlar were also present. Students from Horasan will be brought to Erzurum from Horasan and will be trained in Palandöken Ski Center. Ayzen Sports Club, the name of the Anatolian Ski Tennis Ice Academy Sports Club, these students provide material support, while coach Ömer Said Alaeddinoğlu, volunteers will teach students from Khorasan skiing.
Horasan Vocational School Director Özdemir said, “As Horasan Vocational High School, one of our main duties is to contribute to the district. Together with our teachers, we will contribute to the development of Khorasan. Our Rector Prof. Dr. We will show great success to do the duty we received from Hikmet Koçak, ”he said.