3. In the Official Gazette of urgent expropriation for the airport

  1. Urgent expropriation for the airport in the Official Gazette: Within the scope of Istanbul 3rd Airport Project, the rush of the immovable properties located in Arnavutköy, İmrahor, Tayakadın and Yeniköy villages, Eyüp District, Ağaçlı, Akpınar and İhsaniye villages are rushed by the Directorate of Mass Housing Administration (TOKİ). The decision to nationalize was published in the Official Gazette.
    2942 of the Expropriation Law 27, signed by President Abdullah Gül and members of the cabinet. 2.1.2014 in the decision of the Council of Ministers on 3. The airport area also has a map showing the area to be expropriated.


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