Metro to Üsküdara 24 will be reached in minutes

Üsküdara will be reached in 24 minutes by subway: Sancaktepe Mayor İsmail Erdem, who announced his candidacy for the mayor of Sancaktepe to serve one more term, said, 'The day of rolling up the sleeves for the new term. New term, more excited working day. We will run to new successes in Sancaktepe, 'he said.
Speaking about the Üsküdar-Sancaktepe subway, which is a continuation of the project of Marmaray, President Erdem said: Büyük Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mr. Kadir Topbaş carries on with the great efforts of Istanbul. Metro is very important for Istanbul traffic. Kadir Topbaş, Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, uses advanced technology in his subway line. When it is completed, it will be able to move without metromakinist. Yapım
Stating that after the completion of the metro, which will include the 22 kilometers long and 16-station Üsküdar-Ümraniye-Çekmeköy-Sancaktepe Metro, the warehouse area and the 2 thousand 750 meters connecting tunnels connecting to the warehouse, the journey between Üsküdar and Sancaktepe will be reduced to 24 minutes, Mayor Erdem said: “Carrying 55 thousand passengers per hour With the planned line coming into service, travel times from Sancaktepe will be 24 minutes to Üsküdar, 59 minutes to Kartal, 36 minutes to Yenikapı, 44 minutes to Taksim, 68 minutes to Hacıosman, 68 minutes to Atatürk Airport and 78 minutes to the Olympic Stadium. .
Voicing his views and thoughts, President Erdem stated that he is a candidate for presidency in the next local elections and drew attention to the importance of this task in order to complete the projects.