Gaziantep Transportation Master Plan Should Be Revised: Chamber of Architects Gaziantep Branch President B. Sıtkı Severoğlu stated that there is a transportation master plan made by the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, but the works currently carried out are against the transportation master plan. Severoğlu said, “There is a mistake here. And as a result of this mistake, people in this city are pulling their hair out in traffic. Gaziantep's transportation master plan should be reconstructed if necessary. It should be revised, but it should be revised with scientific data, and personal decisions will make this city an uninhabitable place in the future by working with this way here, this way here, the tram from here. " Reminding that the tram passes along the edge of the 100. Yıl Kültür Park, parallel to the road it is currently in in the Gaziantep transportation master plan, Severoğlu said, “The public reacted to this line, the plan route was changed. But this was not achieved in agreement with the planner. In other words, the transportation master plan was not revised, and studies were not carried out with the transportation master plan. For example, the tram is not recommended in İbrahimli, the transportation master plan. He finds the tram in İbrahimli wrong. Despite this, tram work is being carried out there. "If there is a scientific study of this, we do not know it," he said.
Severoğlu, when we asked about the lawsuits filed by the chambers whose supervisory powers were to be taken away with the enacted law, said: “The legal status of the chambers remains intact. Chambers are legal professional organizations established according to the Constitution, serving the public interest. The room has its own internal regulations in terms of our colleagues who are members of this professional organization to practice their profession. These were published in the official newspaper. Currently, by ignoring the laws and regulations of the chambers of architects or professional associations in some regulations issued by the political power, ignoring even the law on intellectual and artistic works, ignoring some international agreements, there are some rights of architects and their activities in the sense of protecting the rights of members related to professional supervision. A contradiction arises in the new legal legislation enacted with the new regulation.
Severoğlu stated that professional associations and especially the chambers of architects have a general character and they are the most sensitive organizations in the society to what is wrong, regardless of who is in power, and said, “Due to the reactions shown here, some studies are carried out to reduce the effectiveness of professional associations. These are included in regulations, but these works are unconstitutional, against international agreements, and these works cause conflict with the confidentiality of the domestic legislation. I hope these will be fixed, I am waiting. The lawsuits filed by the Chamber of Architects continue. This contradiction must be resolved, ”he said.
They achieved a first in Turkey, explaining that they exhibit their protest to the municipalities Severoğlu said: "Our objection exhibition was a first in Turkey. We exhibited some of our appeal petitions there. We did this for this. When we appeal somewhere, we do not object, saying 'you can't'. We appeal that 'the things you do are against laws and regulations, eliminate these violations'. Or, if there is a wrong transaction, we appeal about it. The main problem in Gaziantep is partial solutions are sought with zoning renovations. Solutions should be sought for the integrity of the plan. The law and legislation also dictate this.
Severoğlu, who also listed the reasons for objecting to the zoning modifications made by the municipalities, said, “Gaziantep has an upper scale development plan. It is necessary to act in accordance with the upper scale development plan. It is against the laws and regulations for individuals, individuals or municipalities to produce land for the purpose of obtaining rent and making some modifications with the aim of rent only. We make complaints about them. We make complaints to the Prime Ministry, governorship, ministries about this. The work done must comply with the laws, regulations and legislation. We have a concrete basis for all the objections we make and we also make suggestions in most of them ”.
Stating that the most fundamental problem of Gaziantep is the traffic and transportation problem, Severoğlu stated that the increase in the density of buildings in Gaziantep recently fueled this and said, “For example, if we consider the health facilities, the lawsuit we have filed against a few health facilities continues. Or we objected to a large number of health facilities. Why did we object? With this intensity, a heavy traffic and a heavy parking problem will arise in this region in the city. Do this renovation, but we say take precautions about it while doing this renovation. When these vehicles arrive, we say where they will park. Today, when you look around the hospitals, we see clumps of vehicles. We say solve this problem together while making plan modifications, produce remedies. We are not saying don't do it. This city needs health facilities. It is beneficial for Gaziantep to develop in terms of health tourism. But if some problems arise due to environmental interactions, we say that they should be thought out and precautions should be taken ”.
Severoğlu, who claimed that many zoning modifications were carried out without public interest and upper scale plans were not followed, said, “For example, there are many plan discussions about Gaziantep's immediate surroundings recently. If you do not make them compatible with the upper scale plan, if you do not concentrate on them in accordance with the upper scale plan, important problems will arise in the future. You need to increase their social reinforcement areas and road widths. We have become unable to get out of traffic within the existing structure. A tram line is being laid in İbrahimli tomorrow, when the İbrahimli tram line is finished, there will be more trams in the city center. Currently, a tram passes through the lights every 6 minutes, which will drop to 3.5 minutes. This will mean traffic congestion even more. These should be handled with upper scale plans and master plans, ”he said.
Stating that there is a transportation master plan made by the metropolitan municipality of Gaziantep, but the works currently being done are against the transportation master plan, Severoğlu said: “If there is a plan of the city somewhere, it is wrong if something is done against that plan. This mistake needs to be prevented. According to the environmental interaction with the master plan, according to the number of vehicles, new plans can be made, plans can be changed, but I do not know if there is a new plan made. There is no information, we have no sense. The works carried out are against the transportation master plan of Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality. There is a mistake here. And as a result of this mistake, people in this city are pulling their hair off in traffic. "
Stating that these plans should be put forward at the end of scientific studies, Severoğlu said, “Subsequent changes will damage this city. Some shopping malls are being built in this city. Everyone complains about the traffic around the shopping malls. These should be considered beforehand. If you are building a shopping mall somewhere, how many vehicles will enter there, where they will park, where they will enter and exit from, the damage to the environment should be calculated in advance. This city has a transportation problem. Some works are being done against the master plan. Gaziantep's transportation master plan should be reconstructed if necessary. It should be revised, but it should be revised with scientific data, working with personal decisions, such as this way here, this way here, the tram from here, will make this city an uninhabitable place in the future, ”he said.
Severoğlu stated that nobody has a magic wand in their hands, and that the road to be followed should be carried out in short, medium and long-term studies in order to make this city a more livable city in the future by considering the public interest and evaluating the environmental impact. against. The tramway was passing along the edge of the 100. Yıl Cultural Park, parallel to the road it is currently on in the Gaziantep transportation master plan, and the plan route was changed. But this was not achieved in agreement with the planner. In other words, the transportation master plan was not revised, and studies were not carried out with the transportation master plan. For example, the transport master plan does not recommend a tram in İbrahimli. He finds the tram in Ibrahimli wrong. Despite this, tram work is being carried out there. "If there is a scientific study of this, we do not know it.
Stating that they appreciate the historical and cultural works done in Gaziantep, Severoğlu said, “It is very nice that the municipalities have competed with each other and the awareness of the cultural and historical structures in the cities is created. There were ugly buildings on the culture road in Bey District, Kozanlı neighborhood and Şehreküstü. Somewhere, if you knock down bad buildings in the surrounding area, beautiful structures will come out. There are bad structures around the buildings in Türktepe. This is what needs to be done in Türktepe, ”he said.