34 Istanbul

New warning for Marmaray

New warning for Marmaray: The Council of Socialist Architects and Engineers warned again about Marmaray, which was opened before its construction was completed, with the ambition of a political show. Its construction has not been completed yet; any electrical equipment [more…]

Halkali gebze marmaray map stops and integrated lines
34 Istanbul

Everything About Marmaray

A lot has been said and is still being said about Marmaray, which was opened on October 29. Please put aside what you know and weigh Marmaray. Just what is wanted for Istanbul [more…]

34 Istanbul

The Marmaray Adventure

Marmaray adventure: The first day of Marmaray, the giant project connecting Europe and Asia via undersea railway, started with an adventure. While CNN Turk was on live broadcast in the morning, the electricity was cut off. few minutes [more…]