UTİKAD met with members and regional officials in Izmir Meetings

UTİKAD met with its members and regional officials in Izmir Meetings: The monthly board meeting was held in Izmir and UTİKAD met with the members of İzmir at the Hilton Hotel after the meeting.

The Board of Directors of UTIKAD made various visits to public institutions and organizations in order to see the developments in the region where transportation and logistics investments gained momentum and to exchange mutual information and opinions on the agenda of the sector.

At the Izmir Member Meeting, which was organized to share the latest developments, new projects, and the FIATA World Congress, which will be held in Istanbul in 2014, UTİKAD, the problems of the region, logistics needs and development areas were evaluated within the framework of mutual exchange of views and Istanbul. The results of the “Member Meetings” held in.
In the İzmir meeting, where the issue of authorization documents, which should be taken and used to be taken within the scope of the road transport regulation, is on the agenda, a consensus was reached on the implementation of the regulation on the supervision of the companies that have no authorization documents. In the meeting where VAT general draft communiqué studies were also put on the agenda, information was given about UIKADAD's initiatives and related institutions and organizations.
UTİKAD Chairman of the Board Turgut Erkeskin and Board of Directors members Nil Tunaşar, Arif Badur, Levent Aydinç and Aydin Dal, the previous period, a board of directors consisting of Kurtuluş Dogan and General Manager Cavit Ugur delegation 2 day of Izmir within the scope of the work, Izmir as the first Chamber of Commerce Chairman Yusuf Ozturk, Board Member Kenan Yalavac and Izmir Branch Manager Halil N. Hatipoğlu'na visited a celebration.
Congratulating the new management of the Izmir DTO Branch, UTİKAD also thanked the Chairman of the Izmir Chamber of Commerce, Yusuf Öztürk, for his support in the election process. During the visit to İZTO, where the regulation on the transportation organizer at Deniz was discussed, the cooperation of İzmir Branch and UTİKAD on sectoral trainings was evaluated. UTİKAD books, which were updated and offered to the service of the sector, were presented to the Chairman of the Board of the Izmir Sea Chamber, Yusuf Öztürk.
The delegation then visited İzmir Transportation Regional Director Ömer Tekin in his office. During the visit, which discussed the issues related to the certificates of authority certificates, the sensitivity of the sector and UTIKAD regarding the authorization documents was emphasized. During the visit where Çandarlı port investments and transportation investments in Kemalpaşa Logistics Center and İzmir region were discussed, information was received about the infrastructure and railway line works planned for 2014 year.
The main headings of the third visit to the office of Captain Kılıç in customs were the customs applications in İzmir region, 3. the problems caused by competition and import loads created by the country's transportation vehicles.
The last stop of the UTİKAD delegation was the Nemport Harbor. Mr. Turgut Erkeskin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of UTİKAD and the board members, who met with Nemport General Manager Oğuz Tumiş and port authorities, shared their views and ideas on port investments in the region and İzmir's logistics future.

International Transport and Logistics Service Producers Association (UTİKAD), founded in 1986; As one of the most important non-governmental organizations of logistics sector in Turkey and internationally by land, air, sea, rail, combined transport and logistics services company which are gathered under the same roof. UTIKAD, as well as the services it provides to its members, the logistics industry's largest non-governmental organization, the International Transportation Organizers Association worldwide Federation (FIATA) Turkey has undertaken the representation and our country represents the FIAT Board. She is also an observer member of the European Association of Transport Affairs, the Association for Transport, Logistics and Customs Services (CLECAT) and founding member of the Federation of Logistics Providers Associations of the Organization of Economic Cooperation (ECOLPAF).

International Transport and
Association of Logistics Service Producers