Local Locomotive Made by Blacksmith Deli Salih Master in Kozlu

Local Locomotive Made by Demirci Deli Salih Usta in Kozlu
Local Locomotive Made by Blacksmith Deli Salih Master in Kozlu

Master Salih Sandıkçı, his other nicknames are “Deli Salih-Deaf Salih”. The nickname "crazy" does not mean "mentally handicapped", but "blind - dashing". He was born in 1900 in Trabzon. He is illiterate, but very stubborn. A master who knows very well how to quench steel. He is one of the masters who are excited to make tools by rejoicing like a child if he gets a piece of iron, and processing and shaping it immediately. Before the mines were nationalized in 1940, Master Salih worked with the Italians and the French, and after the mines were nationalized, he started to work at Ereğli Coals Enterprise (EKİ) as a blacksmith. Of course, it doesn't matter whether those who will work at that time can read or write, the important thing is the person's dexterity and mastery. Master Salih is one of these talented masters.

In the years when everything was imported from outside and the mines were newly nationalized, Demirci Deli Salih usta from Kozlu region made a local locomotive. Salih master, scrap as a piece of machinery thrown away as a piece, "State gives them the new world to give them the new money I work as a locomotive," he starts to work. Of course before the period EKİ General Manager Ihsan Soyak, "work outside the workplace for the work allowed for such a study," he wants and permission is received. Salih master is starting to work. At that time no oxygen or electrode welding, hydraulic iron bending-cutting machines. After cutting iron, they are cut with chisels or with thick iron shears. Addition operations; as a result of the two pieces of iron to be thoroughly agitated on each other. To drill holes, we're individual-don't drill, they have small mechanical hand individualizations but don't drill. The iron to be pierced is drilled and drilled with another iron. Under these circumstances, the Salih master builds the locomotive, which he collects from his junkyard and produces many pieces. Doing but work; they are being sabotaged by those who are not pleased with this work.

The day after all the work has ended, Salih Usta reports to the General Manager that he has completed his work and will start the locomotive in the morning. The next day, General Manager Ihsan Soyak and Zonguldak team meet in Kozlu. It's a excitement for everyone, and they're there who aren't happy about it.

Salih burns the bottom of the boiler burns the charcoal boiling water in the boiler turns into steam-storm, when the demand for a certain pressure Salih master locomotive, but the locomotive does not work. EKİ General Manager İhsan Soyak and other bureaucrats present the singer in a cynical way. Ihsan Soyak, Salih Ustaya, the penalty for wasting the materials and time of the ECI, even if the time is cut.

Of course, Salih is sure of his work. That afternoon and the next day until the next day, the new mining engineer and Salih master's daughter, the new fiancé of Zonguldak with the unforgettable Mayor Hüseyin Öztek together with all the mechanical parts of the pipes are filled with sand are seen. They clean these sands and reassemble all the pieces until dawn and give way to the locomotive.

The steam locomotive made by Salih master, who is in a similar cargo area, is now given a plate number 30. This locomotive drew from the 1941 to 1970 until the end of Kozlu and Üzülmezden full of coal wagons and empty wagons and Payton (a kind of passenger car) used in the transport of workers from Kozlu-Zonguldak, Uzulmez-Zonguldak. The locomotive was deactivated at the beginning of the 80 and was scrapped. Nowadays the locomotive in the cargo area has been imported from abroad and similar in the same years.

My health Salih master. In this work we will remember you and our greatest supporter, moral source, the groom, the late Mayor of Zonguldak, Mr. Hüseyin Öztek, as Zonguldelaklar.

Source : www.halkinsesi.com.t is

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