Wagons of High-Speed ​​Train Line Moved by Trucks

Turkey's biggest high-speed train line Ankara-Istanbul High Speed ​​Train Project, while continuing with construction work in full swing Eskisehir Istanbul cutting, moving trucks with cars.

Train traffic has been interrupted for two years, even between Eskişehir Istanbul and maintenance work has been started on the tracks. Due to the failure of trains, the high-speed train wagons that will work in the new project continue to be transported by trucks. Wagons are transported to Eskişehir and Ankara with large trucks.

In Eskişehir Istanbul High Speed ​​Train line, which is planned to be completed in time with Marmaray and integrated with each other, 2013 is completed according to the latest high-train technology.

Thanks to the Marmaray Istanbul High Speed ​​Railway Project, Istanbul and Ankara will have a multi-choice railway network in the medium term with the second high-speed train.

Source: UAV


  1. You're doing the same misinformation again. These wagons aren't fast train wagons.

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