Map of TCDD Regional Offices
03 Afyonkarahisar

Railway Lengths by Provinces

Railway lengths by provinces: According to the Republic of Turkey State Railways (TCDD) data, which provinces do you think are at the top in terms of railway length? Here is the answer… 2012 TCDD data, provincial [more…]


Fast train challenge to Samsuna

Samsun high-speed train struggle TümSamBir decided to initiate effective lobbying in the bureaucracy and political circles in order to bring high-speed train to Samsun. Union Chairman Kozal said, “We have three [more…]


Theft at TÜVASAŞ

Theft at TÜVASAŞ 3 suspects, who were alleged to have stolen expensive copper materials from the factory of Turkey Wagon Industry Inc. (TÜVASAŞ) in Sakarya, were caught red-handed. The suspects used material with a market value of 150 liras. [more…]